Mike Jerred
London, United Kingdom

Hey :) I am a senior full-stack developer with a life-long passion for coding. I have over 12 years of professional experience in IT and many open source and hobby projects. I'm proficient in a wide variety of technologies, but specialize in Angular, Typescript, and the Node.js ecosystem.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 194 events
Top 5
United Kingdom
Top 1
United Kingdom
Top 1
United Kingdom
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Shell Energy
7 months
London, England
Lead Software Engineer
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023 (4 months)
* Worked with a UI designer to develop a web app that displays data
visualizations for energy market data.
* Provided technical guidance and mentoring to other developers in
the team.
DevOps Lead
May 2023 - Aug 2023 (3 months)
* Designed and built infrastructure to manage code repositories on
GitHub Enterprise.
* Worked across multiple teams to improve their DevOps practices
e.g. Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment.
* Provided technical guidance, code review, and mentoring to other
developers in the team.
* This contract was for 3 months, filling in for an ex-colleague during
their maternity leave
5 months
Senior Frontend Developer
Sep 2022 - Jan 2023 (4 months)
* Worked in a team developing an online meeting application.
* Developed features to record meetings and draw overlays with
performance-sensitive processing of data from neural networks.
Senior Expert Frontend Developer
Aug 2022 - Jan 2023 (5 months)
Worked on an online video meeting application similar to Google Hangouts or Microsoft Teams.
Developed a feature to allow users to record and save their meetings.
Worked on an algorithm that processes data from a neural net to detect the position of a user's hands in the video, and draws an outline overlay .
Angular electron typescript aws aws lambda rxjs html scss
Centaur Media
4 years 1 month
Senior Developer (Contract)
Feb 2022 - Jun 2022 (4 months)
Built a SAML Identity Provider to integrate authentication data from several places including piano, tableau, and hivebright. This was to facilitate single-sign-on for some existing websites.
authentication saml c# Angular typescript ngxs sql sql server rest api
Senior Developer (Contract)
Apr 2021 - Jan 2022 (9 months)
Re-built an existing website where user's take a quiz-type assessment, and integrated it with the company's custom CMS.
Angular c# sql .net core entity framework webapi visual studio .net mvc visual studio code sql server windows
Senior Developer (Contract)
Sep 2019 - Apr 2020 (7 months)
Helped with the development of a new CMS project.
Angular typescript c# sql elasticsearch aws lambda
Developer (Contract)
Nov 2017 - Feb 2018 (3 months)
Helped with the development of some existing projects.
Angular c# typescript sql sql server
Senior Developer (Contract)
Jan 2017 - Jul 2017 (6 months)
Worked on building a large new project built using Domain Driven Design, event sourcing and CQRS. Event messages were sent from the browser to the server via WebSockets, so that multiple users on the site would be able to see each others changes in real time. My specific role was to build parts of the front and back-end, advise on architectural decisions, and create a tool to perform data migration.
Angular c# typescript sql sql server entity framework elasticsearch .net core visual studio ddd moq jasmine
Senior Developer (Contract)
Oct 2016 - Dec 2016 (2 months)
Built a redesigned version of an existing site, using the same back-end database.
c# scss Angular .net sql sql server visual studio entity framework
Full-stack Developer
Aug 2014 - Feb 2016 (1 year 6 months)
Built new websites and maintained existing ones as part of a team of 6-7 developers.
c# AngularJS typescript sql sql server bootstrap less jquery html css javascript knockout.js gulp npm jira json agile solr mercurial elasticsearch database design oop windows neo4j architecture ddd rest api

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