Milan Tair
Belgrade, Serbia

I am an experienced Software Engineer currently working in the higher education industry as a lead Web and Information System Developer.

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Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Singidunum University
11 years 2 months
Belgrade, Serbia
Lead Software Developer and Organizing Committee Member, International Scientific Conference Sinteza
Apr 2017 - Dec 2021 (4 years 8 months)
As Lead Software Developer, Technical Reviewer and member of the Organizing Committee, my tasks included the development of the website for the International Scientific Conference Sinteza, the development and administration of the Scientific Paper Submission platform, named SubmitUS, created primarily for the conference as well as work on performing technical screenings and reviews of submitted manuscripts. Aside from my tasks related to preparing the software platforms supporting the conference and performing the technical review of the submitted papers, I took part in the organisation of the event.
wordpress academic review organization academic writing php html5 javascript css3 composer latex tex phpunit php composer symfony apache ubuntu linux bash unit testing phpmyadmin oop scripting database design responsive design windows tdd visual studio code netbeans eclipse python python3 centos selenium mockito mocking navicat command line
Teaching Assistant
Oct 2012 - Dec 2021 (9 years 2 months)
As a teaching assistant, my main duties are organising and giving practical lectures in computer labs and preparing examination tasks, projects and reviewing works submitted by students for homework, class projects, and exams. I hold practical lessons primarily in the fields of computer programming (Java, Python), web development (PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Node.js, Web Applications, MongoDB, and TypeScript), operating system management (GNU/Linux distributions such as the Ubuntu Server, CentOS, etc.), relational database modelling, and control (MySQL, MariaDB), software testing (JUnit, PHPUnit, Selenium, Mockito, etc.). Also, one of my own initiatives was the founding of the IT Student's Club, which organises extra-colloquial practical workshops for students interested in learning more about technology and industry.
php java javascript mysql mariadb mongodb phpunit mockito mocking selenium html css typescript nodeJS apache centos ubuntu webserver ajax linux bash scripting database design php composer maven junit excel vps server
Senior Web Developer and Information System Developer at Singidunum University
Oct 2010 - Dec 2021 (11 years 2 months)
During my work as a software developer at Singidunum University, I have completed and am currently actively engaged in doing the following, among other tasks:
▪ Development of the Singidunum University website, faculty websites, and other student portals.
▪ Development of new features for the student testing software solution - MMTutor.
▪ Development of various business logic modules for existing software solutions used by the University staff.
▪ Development of various specialized web-based software solutions for daily operations of the staff and students.
▪ Development of automation tasks while integrating different database data sources, API sources, and user inputs for several time-consuming tasks.
▪ Developed a new own solution for employee time and attendance tracking.
▪ Developed a new CMS solution for Singidunum University websites and web portals.
▪ Developed mobile applications for content distribution (Android platform).
▪ Software and hardware maintenance at Singidunum University.
My everyday technology stack includes, but is not limited to ▪ AWS (Amazon Web Services) ▪ VPS ▪ PHP ▪ Node.js ▪ JavaScript ▪ TypeScript ▪ React ▪ WordPress ▪ MySQL ▪ MariaDB ▪ MongoDB ▪ Other databases ▪ Redis ▪ Memcached ▪ HTML ▪ CSS ▪ jQuery ▪ Java ▪ Kotlin ▪ AJAX ▪ REST ▪ GNU/Linux ▪ Git ▪ Bash ▪ Python ▪ Network sockets ▪ TCP/IP ▪ HTTP ▪, etc.
php mysql nodeJS javascript typescript html5 mongodb ReactJS linux webserver ubuntu css vps wordpress git oop database design scripting visual studio code academic writing javascript composer php composer latex tex phpunit symfony apache windows ubuntu linux bash unit testing phpmyadmin oop scripting database design responsive design tdd visual studio code netbeans eclipse python python3 centos selenium mockito mocking navicat command line
Feb 2016 - Nov 2021 (5 years 9 months)
Information Technology Lecture Producer on YouTube
Since February 2016, I have created video tutorials for programming, databases, web development and GNU/Linux system usage. These videos are free additional materials for students who attend my classes at Singidunum University. They are not materials made for the University. Instead, they are something that I have decided to create on the side, in my free time, in order to make it easier for students to learn. Since then, these videos have been viewed by my students and many others who find them useful. The link to the channel is attached below.
video production education information technology programming web programming programming languages design databases video editing presentation
May 2009 - Oct 2010 (1 year 5 months)
Programmer (Web and Android)
My job was developing a custom CMS solution for website mass production with all effort directed in thematic and layout customization and reordering within the CMS. Also, my role was to develop websites for BTGPort company's clients and redesign existing websites and programming modules and API services for existing BTGPort service portals.
php mysql html css javascript photoshop illustrator inkscape jquery git postgresql excel ajax mobile android xml json socket linux ubuntu webserver server vps phpmyadmin http database database design apache apache2

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
YouTube video lectures - The Fundamentals of C Programming
Aug 2020 - Jul 2021
This project features an original video lecture series on YouTube, covering the introduction to the Fundamentals of Computer Programming in the C Programming Language. The lessons are taught in Serbian and cover everything from the very beginning, adequate for absolute beginners in computer programming, with some prior IT knowledge. The lessons are publicly available on my YouTube channel for free.
c programming video editing presentation education teaching coding
PLUTUS - Singidunum University's System for Teacher Engagement Planning
Jan 2020 - Oct 2020
Singidunum University
The PLUTUS application is built using the Nest framework, MongoDB database, HTML 5, Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript ad TypeScript. It was developed for Singidunum University for planning tracking engagement of the University's teaching staff. The application allows management to assign courses, link student groups on different faculties, study programmes, lecture types, and assign multiple professors and assistants to those student groups. The application calculates pay due for these assigned engagements and provides an interface for teachers to review their assignments and verify their calculated pays on teaching obligations. The application was developed as a multi-level application, featuring an abstracted data mapping between the database and the back-end business logic in the API level, a front-end partially rendered server-side and partially client-side, for security reasons, as well as a separate application for teachers to view and verify the correctness of their registered engagements. The application is a basis for the creation of Microsoft Teams student groups and teams for online learning.
nodeJS mongodb typescript javascript html5 css json rest api oop webpack testing
YouTube video lectures - Web Application Development in Node.js usig NestJS, MySQL and React.js
Feb 2020 - Aug 2020
These free video lessons cover the use of the Node.js platform, development of a web application based on the Express library via the NestJS framework. There are a total of 100 videos in this series. These lessons show how to perform project analysis, database modelling (extending a previous database fundamentals YouTube series) and development of an API and a React.js front-end application. These lessons extend the previous free video lessons in the HTML, CSS and JavaScript fundamentals series, also available for free on my YouTube channel. The lessons are taught in Serbian.
nodeJS mysql ReactJS html css javascript typescript ExpressJS json axios jsx tsx responsive design

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Singidunum University
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Electrical Engineering and Computing
Nov 2015 - Present
Singidunum University
Master of Informatics, Computer and Information Sciences
Oct 2012 - Aug 2013
Singidunum University
Engineer of Business Informatics, Bachelor with Honours, Programming and Planning
Oct 2008 - Jun 2012
An Introduction to Peer Review
Aug 2021
Reviewing in the Sciences
Aug 2021
AWS Training and Certification
AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials - Certificate of Completion
Feb 2021

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