Mohammed Basha
Cairo, Egypt

► I'm building the client-side of web applications by the conversion of any PSD website design template into a responsive user-friendly web page using: - HTML. - CSS || Sass. - Bootstrap. ► Building responsive websites with Content Management Systems (CMSs): - Joomla. - WordPress. - Drupal. ► E-Commerce platforms: - Magento 2: > Front End theme development. > Porto theme. > Athlete2 theme. > Vnecoms multi-vendor eCommerce platform.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 50
Top 100
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Aug 2020 - Apr 2021 (8 months)
Front End Developer (Magento 2)
► Working on the Porto responsive Magento 2 E-commerce store theme.
► Building and styling different CMS responsive Pages for the Porto theme.
► Building layouts, containers, and blocks or CMS blocks for UI elements with XML and PHP templates in the Porto theme.
► Working on the different Smartwave extensions like mega menu, filter products, and social feeds.
► Working on the Mageplaza Layered Navigation extension.
► Working on the WeltPixel quick view extension.
► Using translation dictionary to customize strings in the Magento 2 Porto theme.
► Working on the Vnecoms multi-vendor E-commerce extensions.
► Working on the Vnecoms responsive sellers Cpanels.
► Building responsive vendors' home pages.
magento2 html css bootstrap javascript jquery xml php responsive design
Freelance developer
4 years 4 months
Front End Developer (Magento 2 | Joomla)
Jul 2019 - Jun 2022 (2 years 11 months)
Magento 2:
► Building Magento 2-based E-commerce websites by translating UI design templates and Wireframes from Figma or any graphics editor to custom responsive storefront themes.
► Creating layouts, containers, and blocks for UI elements with XML.
► Creating templates to present the layout blocks with PHP (PHTML and Knockout JS templates).
► Creating mobile themes.
► Using translation dictionary to customize strings in the Magento 2 custom themes.
► Adding basic interactivity to stores with jQuery.

► Working on the Porto responsive Magento 2 E-commerce store theme.
► Building and styling different CMS responsive Pages for the Porto theme.
► Working on the different Smartwave extensions like mega menu, filter products, and social feeds.
► Working on the Mageplaza Layered Navigation extension.
► Using translation dictionary to customize strings in the Magento 2 theme.

► Working on the Vnecoms multi-vendor E-commerce extensions.
► Working on the Vnecoms responsive sellers Cpanels.
► Building responsive vendors' home pages.

► Working on the Athlete2 Magento 2 theme.

► Building websites by converting PSD designs into a responsive web page using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Sass, JavaScript, JQuery, and Joomla.
magento2 html css bootstrap jquery gulp scss sass figma photoshop responsive design git github javascript xml php joomla
UI Developer
Jul 2014 - Dec 2015 (1 year 5 months)
► Building websites by converting PSD designs into responsive web pages using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Sass, and jQuery.
html css javascript jquery bootstrap photoshop responsive design
Best Response Media
Jul 2018 - Jun 2019 (11 months)
Front End Developer (Magento 2)
► Building Magento 2-based E-commerce websites by translating UI design templates and Wireframes to custom storefront themes.
► Creating layouts, containers, and blocks for UI elements with XML.
► Creating templates to present the layout blocks with PHP (PHTML and Knockout JS).
► Customizing Magento 2 email templates.
► Styling Magento 2 storefront themes with Less, SCSS, or Sass pre-processors.
► Configuring and using Gulp or Grunt JavaScript task runners.
► Creating mobile themes.
► Using translation dictionary to customize strings in the Magento 2 custom themes.
► Validate form inputs with jQuery.
► Integrate and Configure WordPress blog system into Magento 2 websites to help create and improve the content's SEO with Fishpig Magento extension.
► Integrate and Configure Manadev extensions into Magento 2 websites to improve Layered Navigation and SEO.
► Integrate and Configure the Doofinder extension to add products' search engine to Magento 2 websites.
magento html scss less javascript jquery xml php gulp responsive design

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