Montasim Mamun
Dhaka, Bangladesh

I’m a software engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I’m focused on building accessible, human-centered products using MERN Stack.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 17 events
Top 100
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Disabled Rehabilitation & Research Association
Dec 2021 - Jul 2022 (7 months)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Management Information System Officer
⚡️ Manage information technology and computer systems.
⚡️ Meet with managers to discuss system requirements, specifications, costs, and timelines.
⚡️ Control the computer system's budgets and expenditures.
⚡️ Provide individual training and support on request.
⚡️ Ensure Technology is accessible and equipped with current hardware and software.
⚡️ Provide orientation to new users of existing technology.
⚡️ Troubleshoot all technology issues.
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Jantrik - Tools Manufacturer Website (Full-Stack)
Jantrik is a tools manufacturer website. Here users can create an account with an email and password. Users can also use social media like Google to log in. After creating the account user is redirected to the page from where he was taken to the login page. Users can place orders, they can add blogs and reviews. Users can delete products from the cart. User can update their profile.

🔹 Authentication (Firebase, JWT)
🔹 Email verification
🔹 Reset password
🔹 Display user image when login with social media
🔹 User profile
🔹 Manage products (CRUD operations)
🔹 Dashboard
🔹 Admin panel
🔹 Can add products
🔹 Place order
🔹 Cart
🔹 Can add a product to the cart
🔹 Admin can add product
ReactJS nodeJS mongodb ExpressJS react router jwt firebase json tailwindcss
POSDash - An Inventory Management System (Full-Stack)
POSDash is an inventory management system website. Here users can create an account with an email and password. Users can also use social media like Google and GitHub to log in. After creating the account user is redirected to the page from where he was taken to the login page. Users can add items to inventory, they can update items' stock. Users can delete items from inventory. Users can add items to their profiles. These items can be viewed from the My Items page. User can delete their items.

🔹 Authentication (Firebase, JWT)
🔹 Email verification
🔹 Reset password
🔹 Display user image when login with social media
🔹 User profile
🔹 Manage products (CRUD operations)
🔹 Dashboard
🔹 Admin panel
🔹 Firebase hosting
🔹 7 Pages
🔹 Can update item stock
🔹 When delivering an item stock reduces
🔹 User can add items.
🔹 User items can be found on the My Items Page
ReactJS nodeJS mongodb ExpressJS react router jwt firebase json tailwindcss
A Coders Diary - A Blog Website (Full-Stack)
This is a blog site. We the developer face many problems in our daily life. Every time we need to search Google or, StackOverflow to solve those problems. As humans, we often forget those problems from time to time. Whenever a user will find a solution to a problem he can post the solution on this blog. So, next time it will be easier for him to solve a similar problem. This is the motivation for this project.

🔹 Authentication (Firebase)
🔹 Manage posts (CRUD operations)
🔹 User profile
🔹 Author Profile
🔹 Dashboard
🔹 Admin panel
🔹 Markdown Editor
🔹 React Router
🔹 Firebase hosting
ReactJS nodeJS mongodb ExpressJS react router jwt firebase json tailwindcss markdown
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Bangladesh Army University of Science & Technology (BAUST)
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Engineering
Nov 2016 - Mar 2021
⚡️ Intensive course with core computer science topics.
⚡️ C, C++, Java, Data Structures, Algorithms, OOP, DBMS & Android application development.
⚡️ Different software design patterns.

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