Francisco Mancuello Vazquez
Lead Front End Developer at Paggo
Ciudad del Este, Paraguay

Full Stack con más de 7 años de experiencia en soluciones tecnológicas de alta calidad, con experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras y escalables. He trabajado en proyectos importantes para empresas líderes, colaborando eficientemente con equipos y adaptándome rápidamente a nuevos entornos. Mi experiencia Full Stack me permite resolver problemas complejos y proporcionar soluciones prácticas que impulsan el éxito empresarial.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 1 events
Top 10
Top 5
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Apr 2023 - Present (1 year 7 months)
Remote Current workspace
Currently Francisco Mancuello Vazquez supports the Paggo

Francisco Mancuello Vazquez's scores will be added to this company.

Lead Front End Developer
Lead Front End Developer
ReactJS typescript nodeJS React Native javascript next.js graphql jest tdd unit testing agile SequelizeJS firebase docker expressjs
Jun 2022 - Mar 2023 (9 months)
Full Stack Developer
• Developed and adapted new functionalities on the Fraud Backoffice portal, increasing fraud detection and prevention efficiency by 30% and improving information review efficiency by 40%.
• Developed the Rappi Merchant Portal, meeting business requirements and working closely with stakeholders and QA team, increasing customer satisfaction by 25%.
• Integrated the Rappi Merchant Portal with the document review portal (Backoffice-Fraud), improving document verification and reducing wait time by 40%.
• Successfully deployed the service in Colombia, Chile, and Mexico, achieving a 30% increase in daily transactions with "Pay with Rappi".
• Automated and developed the claims conflict testing section for customers, achieving a more efficient and satisfactory resolution in 60% of cases.
• Enhanced system metrics by integrating platforms with telemetry (Amplitude) and facilitating detailed registration by correlating APIs with vector contexts.
• Integrated continuous integration/deployment pipeline, pull requests, code reviews, load/stress testing, unit/integration/end-to-end testing (Sonarqube, Jest).
• Migrated a Fraud Backoffice monolith to a microfront architecture with a federated model and hexagonal architecture, reducing load time by 50% and improving scalability by 30%
typescript ReactJS javascript GraphQL docker mongodb jest next.js postgresql webpack javascript sonarqube aws apache kafka unit testing agile scrum jenkins tdd maven microservices kubernetes ci/cd oauth junit NestJS rest api git hexagon architecture microfrontens html css json ExpressJS module federation Redux
Parque Tecnológico Itaipu
2 years 4 months
Hernandarias, Alto Paraná
Front-End Developer
Feb 2022 - Jul 2022 (5 months)
• Developed the "BOLDO" web platform, a digital health ecosystem of products and services for measurement, acquisition, and transmission of data for telemedicine, resulting in an 87% increase in the number of patients served compared to the previous year.
• Designed and developed models of Remote Medical Consultation platform, integrable with the system of medical data measurement, acquisition, and transmission, and Electronic Medical Prescription, which allowed a 90% reduction in healthcare costs for remote and isolated patients by COVID-19 in the Republic of Paraguay, compared to in-person medical care.
• Integrated the platform with the database of the Public Health Ministry of the Republic of Paraguay, resulting in a 70% increase in the efficiency of coordinating and monitoring patient care thanks to process automation.
• Developed calendar modules for scheduling appointments and chat with video calls using WebRTC, generation of medical certificates, a list of laboratories and pharmacies to pick up medication or request medical studies, using Azure, GraphQL, React, Typescript, Node, Docker, and Kubernetes technologies. These modules led to a 40% increase in patient satisfaction, providing them with an easier, faster, and more efficient healthcare experience.
ReactJS typescript javascript Kubernetes ReactJS TypeScript azure aws javascript tailwindcss azure devops mongodb nodeJS jest oauth postgresql ci/cd git jira compose github scrum unit testing agile docker rest api tdd websocket GraphQL html css visual studio code database design json ExpressJS webpack
Full Stack Developer
Sep 2017 - Aug 2019 (1 year 11 months)
Developed at the Center for Research on Assistive Technology (CITA).
• I designed, developed, and deployed the Citizen Security Platform for the Paraguayan Football Association (APF), allowing citizens to send real-time requests for help through the mobile application. As a result, the system improved security at sporting events and reduced the number of acts of vandalism in the stands by 50%.
• I led the development of a Real-time Monitoring Center for the national 911 security system, allowing citizens to send real-time locations and multimedia files through the mobile application. As a result, the detection of false reports was reduced by 90%, and the efficiency in managing emergency resources was improved.
• I collaborated with a private company to develop and launch the "Denim Clothing Prototypes for Personal Well-being Improvement" portal, which allowed the commercialization of denim vests with integrated smart plates for people with disabilities. As a result, the quality of life of people with disabilities was improved, and additional income was generated for the company.
• I designed and developed a web application that integrates telemetry and geolocation technology for the detection and prevention of falls in users with memory impairments. As a result, the safety and quality of life of people with memory impairments were improved, and the number of incidents was reduced.
Laravel VueJS javascript VueJS php javascript google maps azure aws docker mongodb postgresql mysql git github jira scrum agile linux debian Laravel gitlab ubuntu unit testing apache2 nginx vim apache scripting webserver webapi serverless dynamodb database design bash windows visual studio code http makefile xml json html css sass typescript ExpressJS webpack websocket

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