Coimbatore, India

Not just for words, “TIME” is the most valuable commodity on Earth. I respectfully value your time. So I’ll keep it compact. I thank you so much for visiting my profile. I am a Data Scientist trained by MOOCs and pruned by Stack Overflow. I am not a guy who entered “Data Science” by HYPE but by PASSION. My personal evolution occurred at a faster rate in the past one year. Thanks to all my mentors who were kind enough to get me up. An optimal mix of mechanical, automotive and data expertise helps me think in a wider aspect and solve business problems more effectively. I can comfortably make and understand conversations in 3 languages - தமிழ், English and français. You can basically call me Trilingual. 🔗 FIELD EXPERTISE: - Natural Language Processing - Market Analysis - Predictive Analytics - Recommendation System - Business Intelligence - Cloud Deployment - Speech Recognition - All-Terrain Vehicles - Autonomous Systems 🔗 KEY COMPETENCIES: - Team Management - Decision Making - Time Management - Kaizen - Leadership - Engaging presenter 🔗 WHAT I AM? My silver bullet which keeps me as an outlier from the huge pool is my extreme willingness to learn new technologies. Human brain can store between 1 and 2.5 PB of data. I am on a mission to optimally fill those vacant spaces. I am an avid learner. 🔗 WHAT I AM NOT? There are many guys out there on LinkedIn who just post “A guy on LinkedIn asked me THIS and I suggested him/her THAT” but in reality never replies to anyone. I am not that kind of person and will never be one. Every expert must start from the square one. Rome was not built in a day. Just start it, you will get it. 🔗 CONTACT ME: If you have anything to discuss with me, ask me for suggestions or any kind of help, don’t hesitate to contact me on LinkedIn or through

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 1 events
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Apr 2020 - Aug 2020 (4 months)
Data Science Intern
A data analytics firm based in Germany which builds data-driven AI products along with various other services such as Big Data Consulting, Web Development, Social Media Analytics, Digital Marketing and DevOps Consulting.

- Big Data Consulting, Web Development, DevOps Consulting
- Performed market research to identify and analyse the different use cases of businesses
- Worked and Fine-tuned Transformer models
- Collected and analysed complex datasets using advanced querying for training and testing
python pytorch flask dash
OpenGenus Foundation
Jan 2020 - Apr 2020 (3 months)
Machine Learning Developer Intern
OpenGenus Foundation is an open-source non-profit organization with the aim to enable people to work offline for a longer stretch, reduce the time spent on searching by exploiting the fact that almost 90% of the searches are same for every generation and to make programming more accessible. OpenGenus is all about positivity and innovation.

- Researched various ways how Neural Networks are being fooled in Computer Vision field
- Explored various possibilities to prevent these state of techs from being fooled
- Published my findings in more than 11 articles to help the future and peer learners understand them at ease
Dhanalakshmi Agencies Pvt. Ltd.
Jan 2019 - Sep 2019 (8 months)
Coimbatore, India
Procurement Data Analyst
A FMCG distribution company which collects goods from various FMCG companies and distribute it to local vendors. They have been doing this consistently for the past 15 years.

- Developed investments plans by demand forecasting and strategic decision making
- Prepared efficient procurement plans based on seasonal and local trends
- Helped the company move its operations and financial events completely online thereby reducing 2019 third quarter non-value added expenses by 8%

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