Collaboratively built Andela Societies - An application (whose API is built with Python/Flask) that has been in use across Andela, utilized by engineers to manage company employee activities.
Automated and integrated Slack notifications for a Python API, allowing users to be notified directly on Slack (3rd party integrations).
Contributed to building Converge: An application used in managing meeting rooms (bookings, resources, and usage) across Andela. The API is built with Python/Flask and GrahpQL.
Engineered, designed and built an IoT-based Energy Management System. Interfacing energy meters with a Python Backend and a JavaScript Frontend.
Successfully designed and developed a Freelance API that’s used to manage a freelancing system.
Contributed to developing and deploying Wger: A workouts management application that can be used to track muscle development and personal workouts in general.
Designed and built several APIs; a Flight Management API, Events Organizing and Management API, Electrical Power Management API (IoT), 2 ReactJS applications (deployed in Google Kubernetes).
django flask react python3 docker gcp heroku postgresql mongodb node.js mysql sqlite redis celery jest hooks