Nahuel Garbezza
Trainer at 10Pines
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Agile Software Developer and Teacher specialized in dynamic languages: Smalltalk, Ruby and Javascript. Passionate about object-oriented design, refactoring, test-driven development and software craftsmanship in general. Mentor. Plenty of experience working with legacy codebases, and improving software development processes. I write blog posts in: and

CodersRank Score

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CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 6 events
Mid Developer
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
2 years 7 months
Buenos Aires y alrededores Current workspace
Currently Nahuel Garbezza supports the 10Pines

Nahuel Garbezza's scores will be added to this company.

Apr 2023 - Present (1 year 10 months)
Integrante de la Academia 10Pines, actualmente dictando el curso de Prácticas Técnicas para Scrum Masters y Product Owners.
Software Crafter
Mar 2012 - Dec 2012 (9 months)
Software development, maintenance, architectural design, analysis, and mentorship on technologies and Agile methodologies, across several industries (E-commerce, Supply chain, Healthcare, Travel)

Currently, I'm working on Node, Mongo, Express, and Vue but most of my experience comes from the Ruby and Rails ecosystem.

I'm specialized in software maintenance, dealing with tech debt and legacy code (and prioritization with evolution in functionality). I work on augmenting all software quality parameters. eXtreme Programming is my favorite methodology and I do Test-Driven Development on a daily basis. I have experience with 24/7 large systems, with millions of users around the world.

I've also worked with Smalltalk, Clojure, PHP, Python, Java, and React+Redux in the past.

Other technologies that I use or used in the past: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Heroku, AWS (S3, SNS, RDS, Cloudwatch, OpsWorks), CircleCI, Github Actions.

I'm also a key member of some initiatives in 10Pines to spread our culture to the world, promote learning inside the company, and keep our quality standards high. I also represent 10Pines in conferences, most of them technical.
ruby javascript typescript MySQL NodeJS PostgreSQL Python VueJS heroku github agile oop tdd
Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Aug 2018 - Aug 2021 (3 years)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teaching advanced Object-Oriented Programming on several dynamic languages, design patterns, and Test-Driven Development. I was responsible for designing the initial syllabus.
nodeJS javascript smalltalk
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
9 years 11 months
Feb 2016 - Dec 2016 (10 months)
Teaching "Elementos de Programación y Lógica" (Programming and Logic Elements), an introductory course focused on fundamental concepts.
smalltalk object oriented programming agile software development
Aug 2013 - Aug 2019 (6 years)
Teaching "Programación con Objetos 1" (introductory OOP) using Smalltalk
smalltalk test driven development software engineering object oriented programming
Mar 2012 - Dec 2012 (9 months)
I am a tutor of the Science and Technology Department, in a program aimed to guide students in their first year at the University.
Teacher assistant
Aug 2009 - Jul 2013 (3 years 11 months)
I assist on practical classes, I prepare and correct exercises, in the subject "Programación con Objetos 1", which teaches introductory OOP concepts using Smalltalk programming language.
OOP smalltalk agile
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Aug 2018 - Present
Herramienta de tests unitarios para Javascript, simple y con fines educativos. Disponible en NPM.
Aug 2017 - Present
Un ambiente para la enseñanza de programación con objetos, basado en Cuis Smalltalk.
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Computer Science, Informática
Jan 2012 - Dec 2020
Orientación en Desarrollo de Software
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Technical Degree In Programming, Programación informática
Jan 2008 - Dec 2012
Manager Accelerator Programme
Jan 2022
Kubernetes para desarrolladores esencial
Jul 2019
Liderazgo y la capacidad de asumir riesgos
Jul 2019

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