Bassam ElShafie
Cairo, Egypt
CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Top 100
Top 50
Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Egyptian Exchange - EGX
14 years 10 months
Cairo, Egypt
Deputy Manager
Jan 2020 - May 2022 (2 years 4 months)
.net core telerik oracle Crystal Reports VueJS vuex axios npm json .net core
Application Development Section Head
Jan 2016 - Jan 2020 (4 years)
Designed and created workflow web system for Disclosure sector (ODS)
.NET Framework 3.5 oracle Crystal Reports telerik
Senior Software Engineer
Jun 2007 - Dec 2015 (8 years 6 months)
Designed and created workflow web system for the Membership sector and various internal systems.
oracle .net framework
May 2006 - Jan 2007 (8 months)
Cairo, Egypt
Application Developer
- Developed internal software that manage company's quotations and media under
Microsoft SharePoint using C# and SQL-Server.
- Implemented Microsoft Project Server that centralize and manage projects.
C# .net framework
Feb 2005 - Apr 2006 (1 year 2 months)
Cairo, Egypt
Solutions Developer
- Worked in Time and Attendance module that manages the attendance and departure of
employees within an organization using under SQL-Server and Oracle
- Worked in Government Relations app to manage government transactions using
- Migrating CivilSoft database from SQL-Server 2000 to Oracle 10g using Oracle
Migration tool and Quest TOAD
winforms c# syncfusion

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Computer Pointer Controller
Jul 2020 - Sep 2020
A project made for the Udacity's Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree Program,
That translates eyes' gaze direction (from image, video or cam) to mouse pointer movement on computer, using Intel's OpenVINO Toolkit using four models:
1. Face detection model: Detects the face from the input (image, video or cam), cropping it and pass it for other models.
2. Head pose model: Detects the head pose movement and direction.
3. Facial landmarks model: Detects the left and right eyes.
4. Gaze estimation model: Gets the head pose and eyes images from other models, and detects the eyes' gaze direction.
Smart Queuing System
Jul 2020 - Jul 2020
A project made for the Udacity's Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree Program,
that recognize people waiting on a queue like (Retail's checkout queue, manufacture line or public transportation line) and guide people to go to another empty queue.
People Counter App
Jun 2020 - Jun 2020
A project made for the Udacity's Intel® Edge AI for IoT Developers Nanodegree Program,
that builds a People Counter app performs inference on an input video, extracting and analyzing the the number of people in the frame, time those people spent in frame, and the total number of people counted.

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