David Vann
Belgrade, Serbia

With 10 years of experience in both frontend and backend development, I want to continue working as a fullstack engineer. My favorite industries are CRM, interenet marketing & lead generation, schedule management, event booking, video streaming and WebRTC. Many previous employers told me I work well for the projects in such industries. I want to keep building my career in React, Vue, Angular, Django, Laravel, Node, and etc.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 10 events
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Several Organizations
Aug 2013 - Jul 2020 (6 years 11 months)
Senior Web Application Developer
- Developed user friendly UI/UX web applications using React/Redux/Redux-Saga/AMD/Material-UI, Angular, Vue/VueX/Vuetify/Element-UI/Vue-Bootstrap, D3.js, Bootstrap/jQuery.
- Integrated RESTful APIs using Axios, GraphQL/Apollo/Hasura

- Developed RESTful APIs using Node/Express, Django, Spring Boot, and Laravel.
- Developed event-driven systems using AWS Lambda and Serverless framework
- Integrated 3rd-party APIs such as Stripe, Paypal, Twilio, Facebook, Twitter, AWS SDK, Hubspot, SendGrid, MailGun, MailChimp and etc.

- Designed and implemented database models and drivers using MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
- Utilized AWS S3 and hosted web applications on AWS platform using ELB, EC2, and CloudFront.
- Integrated Socket.IO, WebRTC, HLSPlayer into applications to provide video streaming and real-time communication.
- Used Git, JIRA, and Trello every day.

Projects include:
- Risk management system
* Worked as a senior full-stack web application developer
* Developed frontend and integrated backend using React
* Developed backend using Serverless/AWS Lambda
* Developed complex and heavy risk calculation module by uploading and analyzing bulk data
* Speed up the calculation time by optimizing MySQL query

- Internet marketing software similar to MailChimp built with Laravel/Python/AWS Lambda/Vue
* Implemented scheduled campaign&automation sending platform by integrating IronMQ and SQS
* Implemented bulk mail sending system by integrating SendGrid, MailGun and Amazon SES

- School management system
* Worked as a senior Java/Spring Boot backend developer
* Implemented complex queries for generating various types of student reports
* Speed up the calculation time of statistics by optimizing the database and using PostgreSQL-specific analytics functions

- Healthcare/Medical support SaaS system
* Worked on both frontend/backend/API using Django/React

- Video Streaming system
* Developed streaming site using Laravel
* Utilized AWS S3, AWS CloudFront and AWS ELB heavily
vue python react react native react redux react router django laravel aws aws lambda vuetify element-ui vuex node express.js mongodb mysql postgresql aws s3 serverless trello d3.js vue-bootstrap angular angularjs redux-saga
Mar 2010 - Apr 2013 (3 years 1 month)
Belgrade, Serbia
Web Developer
- Developed ERP/CRM applications
- Used HTML/CSS/Vanilla Javascript/jQuery/and jQuery UI
- Used PHP/CodeIgniter/CakePHP/Smarty
- Used Java/Struts/Hibernate
- Maintained reusable UI components and modules.
- Implemented page designs in standard-compliant dynamic XHTML and CSS
- Technologies: DHTMLX, jQuery, jQuery UI, PHP
php html javascript css dhtmlx jQuery jQuery UI java struts hibernate codeigniter cakephp smarty erp crm
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Master's degree, Information Technology
Apr 2004 - Aug 2009
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