Nathan Sonnenberg
Lehi, United States

I am a freelance full-stack developer. I automate the boring stuff for small business so they don't have to.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 3%
Associate Developer
Top 50
United States
Top 50
United States
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Jun 2024 - Feb 2025 (8 months)
Provo, Utah
Technical Success Manager
Increased average monthly billable responses by 114.8% in H2 compared to H1 by implementing a dormant subscriber feedback program

Push 100% renewal of an enterprise-level license by increasing platform usage of 143 unique users, producing 500+ dashboard views, & adding 41 new users per month through building out StatsiQ driver's analysis & collaborating with digital team to expand mobile feedback program

Uplifted maturity health by 27% through building a closed-loop ticketing program for 40 delivery centers across North America
Qualtrics api text analytics linear regression BI
Enlite Home
4 years 11 months
Provo, Utah
VP of Technology
Jun 2022 - Jun 2024 (2 years)
Heading the development and launch of goenlite.com with a 4-person team to provide KPI’s to sales reps,
leading to a 15% increase in sales efficiency

Implementing a user feedback methodology, increasing feature output by 20% and user interaction by 35%

Developing Figma mockups for prototype validation and analysis of user interaction

Collaborating with executive stakeholders to understand the ROI of goenlite.com to make data-driven
decisions and manage expectations on product scope and timeline

Architecting a robust infrastructure on Digital Ocean using Terraform to deploy goenlite.com

Developing a GitLab CI/CD pipeline to push Docker images to a testing and production environment,
decreasing deployment delay by 90 minutes

Crafting a RESTful API with a service-oriented architecture to integrate and validate third-party data with
a Postgres database, increasing sales metric accuracy by 45%
ReactJS Digital Ocean ExpressJS mongodb mongoose nodejs react router responsive design axios postgresql api mocha chai
Systems Integration Engineer
Sep 2021 - Jul 2022 (10 months)
Developed a contractor onboarding procedure using JavaScript, decreasing manual processes by 15%

Streamlined agreement signing flow on thesolarsummer.com, saving the company 20 labor hours per week

Overhauled the lead submission process and integrations with solar partners using python to decrease data
redundancy by 45% and to decrease tech support tickets by 15%
JavaScript Python wix Google Admin
Solar Consultant
May 2019 - Aug 2021 (2 years 3 months)
Found and closed new opportunities for over 15 different solar companies with door to door marketing

Generated over $200,000 in revenue for Sunrun Inc. in a period of 4 months

Coordinated between clients and solar companies to grow and maintain quality customer relations

Collaborated with homeowners to save over $100,000 in 25 years by explaining and negotiating solar-power agreements
Eide Bailly LLP
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 (3 months)
Provo, Utah
Deliverables Manager
Organized a cost analysis of a data-transfer project to provide stakeholders with project ROI and strategy

Directed project scope and deliverable negotiations with company sponsor to ensure project completeness

Performed 3 data ETL trials to transfer client data from MSSQL Server to Snowflake using Matillion,
delivering feedback to management on the viability of future ETL needs for other clients
MSSQL ETL Snowflake big data
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Dec 2023 - Feb 2024
Utah Automotive Magazine
Utah Automotive Magazine is an online magazine for car enthusiasts throughout the state of Utah. Not only can you read about new cars coming out and their reviews, but you can also research and find local dealerships and mechanics in the area to find the best people for you.
wordpress seo javascript null
Jan 2023 - Jun 2024
Enlite Home
Go Enlite is a proprietary web-based sales portal, exclusively for the sales reps at Enlite Home, a local solar company in Utah. This app supports sales reps in their day to day job by tracking their sales metrics, managing their pipeline, and allowing sales managers to create competitions for reps to compete and win prizes.
ReactJS ExpressJS Digital Ocean nodeJS mongoose mongodb chai GitLab CI postgresql api mocha tailwindcss docker
Sep 2022 - Apr 2023
Links is the ultimate golfing app. Connect with friends, grip it n' rip it, and post your progress for your friends to see. This app is the ultimate social media for casual golfers. This is the new Strava for golf.
swift SwiftUI firebase

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business
Master's degree, Management Information Systems, General
Sep 2021 - Apr 2023
Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business
Bachelor of Science - BS, Information Systems
Sep 2019 - Apr 2023
CustomerXM Expert Certification Exam
Jul 2024
DOMO Data Specialist Level 1
Apr 2020

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