Niezwan Abdul Wahid
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I code therefore I am.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 5%
Top 100
Top 50
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
SOCAR Malaysia Full-time
May 2020 - Aug 2021 (1 year 3 months)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mobile Application Developer
React Native redux
LizardApps Full-time
Feb 2017 - May 2020 (3 years 3 months)
Wisma E&C Semantan
Software Engineer

1. AQ-Ria Retail [React Native, Java, Swift, Unity3D, Redux]
- developed 3 top-down mini games using Unity3D and intergrated into React Native project as a module.
- developed 2-way communication bridge between React Native application and Unity3D application to send instruction & data (to determine which game to be loaded and to pass score from game side to application side)
- involved in the application side development.

2. NNDE Cafe Facebook Application [PHP]
- involved in functional bugfixing

3. Collinte [ReactJS]
- involved in UI and functionalities bugfixing

4. Brickling [ReactJS, Redux, Firebase]
- developed authentication functionalities.
- developed a responsive ReactJS Web Application with CRUD functionalities.

5. SkyEcho [React Native, Redux, Mapbox]
- Developed a high definition urban rainfall forecasting application.
- Intergrate Mapbox and weather data layer as part of the application.
- Develop a Nightingale Rose Chart to emphasize data to the users.

6. Able. [ReactJS, GatsbyJS, Redux, Firebase Firestore]
- developed a complete ReactJS Web Application with CRUD functionalities.

see more
Java ReactJS React Native Redux Swift Unity firebase xcode android studio
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