Orbit Turner
Dakar, Senegal

🚀 Known as Orbit Turner, I'm an experienced and professional software engineer and IT consultant with over eight years of valuable experience in creating high-end, tailored IT solutions to ensure business success. From a full-stack developer to Head of IT at Quality Center, my journey has been marked by innovation and global collaboration. As an entrepreneur, I continue to thrive through my startup FUTURIZE, inspiring others with speeches, open-source projects, and global collaborations

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CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
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Stackoverflow 4 events
Top 1
Top 1
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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Jul 2023 - Present (1 year)
Arrondissement de Dakar-Plateau, Région de Dakar Current workspace
Currently Orbit Turner supports the FUTURIZE WORLD

Orbit Turner's scores will be added to this company.

FUTURIZE was born of my passion for technological innovation and my deep desire to create high-quality digital solutions for businesses. Since I was a teenager, I've invested all my energy, time and sacrifices in this project. Every obstacle has made me stronger, and made me realize that perseverance is the key to success. Today, I'm proud to introduce you to FUTURIZE, a Senegalese startup that promises to revolutionize the business world with innovative, tailor-made solutions. I'm counting on you, dear friends, to share this great news with your loved ones. Together, we can build a promising future for our companies and our nation.
Dec 2022 - Present (1 year 7 months)
Dakar, Senegal Current workspace
Currently Orbit Turner supports the QUALITY CENTER

Orbit Turner's scores will be added to this company.

Head of IT Dpt. / Responsable Service Informatique (RSI)
🔰 My role as ROI is to drive the alignment of the business information system with strategic directions and business organizations. I propose information system evolution scenarios in line with the defined objectives and processes.

🔰Project management and quality control:

Estimates the unit and overall consistency of the project portfolio in relation to the existing or target information system.

Reinforces deviations in terms of deadlines, costs or quality. Capitalizes on all knowledge of the business information system.

Guarantees the quality of project management. He/she manages the mapping of the skills required for the evolution of the IS.

🔰 Management of the IT Team
In addition to solid technical skills, the ISR is a one-man band who is above all a manager with coordination and relational qualities, both for dialoguing with the administration and customers and for leading a team.

My recurring tasks are as follows:
-> Oversee all technology operations and evaluate them against set goals.
-> Design and establish IT policies and systems to support the implementation of the strategies defined by the top management.
-> Analyze the business requirements of all departments to determine their technology needs.
-> Ensure the efficiency of the IT Support and the proactivity of the department.
Quality Center Contract
1 year 9 months
Dakar, Senegal
Administrateur Système & Lead DevOps
Dec 2021 - Dec 2022 (1 year)
🔰 My role as a system administrator is to Design, Install and Ensure the proper functioning of the company's IT and Network Infrastructure.

🔰 The System Administrator defines, according to the size of the structure that employs him, the needs in computer workstations, in network cabling, in data transfer power and in connection points. It ensures the possibility of transmitting information internally, as well as to remote devices for mobile employees.

🔰 The system administrator is also responsible for installing software and user interfaces, as well as acquiring or renewing operating licenses. He does not necessarily create the programs, and sometimes works in concert with developers to target the needs of the entity and possibly adjust certain functions of a software or a platform.

🔰 The constraints of the intranet and the Internet hold no secrets for him. He is able to quickly identify a bug in order to make the necessary corrections. He regularly manages the updates of the working groups.

🚀 Also, I am brought to propose solutions of evolution on the network of the company. I work on avenues for optimization and think about innovative alternatives that always provide more performance. 🚀
google cloud powerbi devops checkmk docker sql server zabbix truenas server infrastructure management scalibility database design
Architecte Système & Infrastructure Virtualisée - Lead Développeur
Oct 2021 - Dec 2021 (2 months)
🔰 The Cloud Computing and Virtualization loader is responsible for migrating his company's data to virtualized solutions in the cloud, that is, dematerialized computer platforms.

🔰 It must mastery all that concerns the establishment and configuration of a private cloud, high availability and redundancy of data (RAIDS, Delta Backup, UPS, Networks, etc.).
Virtualization cloud XCP-NG RAID linux nginx redis scripting webserver database design
Lead Information Systems Developer & Designer
Feb 2021 - Oct 2021 (8 months)
💨 My role as Designer Developer of information systems is to design, implement and maintain innovative solutions, particularly in areas in perpetual evolution such as mobile telephony, nomadic computing.

I put my expertise (Applications, systems, networks, telecoms) at the service of the development, deployment and securing of IT solutions and applications, on behalf of my company or a client company.

My recurring tasks are as follows:

- Analysis and Design of secure mobile computing applications
- Development and deployment in a high availability mobile systems and networks infrastructure
- Training and customer / user support
- Optimization and maintenance of the performance of the solutions developed and deployed.
Angular NestJS wordpress spring boot jee fullstack microservices Django

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