Patrick Kelleter
Koeln, Germany

Hey, my name is Patrick and i am a frontend and particulary AngularJS & Angular 2+ enthusiast. I love working with modern technologies, while producing well structured, easy maintainable and extendable frontend codebases.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 7%
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Check24 Mobilfunk GmbH
Mar 2018 - Aug 2020 (2 years 5 months)
Cologne, Germany
Lead Developer
Lead Developer & Software Architect for the Angular Frontend of Check24 Mobilfunk GmbH
angular typescript nest.js angularjs javascript node.js
Ophardt Hygiene GmbH
Jan 2017 - Feb 2018 (1 year 1 month)
Senior Frontend Developer
Senior Frontend Developer & Software Architect for several Angular Frontends
angular typescript cordova angularjs javascript
N4 Group
Jan 2014 - Dec 2016 (2 years 11 months)
Software Developer
Sofware Developer for several Angular & AngularJS Frontends
angularjs typescript cordova angular electron bootstrap
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Saarland University
Bachelor, Computer Science
Oct 2008 - Aug 2013
Thesis in the field of Software Verification
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