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Fukumitsu, Japan

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CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

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CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
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Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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Mar 2020 - Jun 2021 (1 year 3 months)
Full-stack Engineer
A small team with anonymous users.
c# typescript python makefile shell java gcc cmake vim bash assembly qt boost linux debian scripting network programming ubuntu http webserver networking apache agile perl database design visual studio code apache2 scrum nginx unit testing windows jira xml oop tdd multithreading visual studio webapi json jest testing asp.net core .net core cassandra mocha asp.net mvc entity framework scala chai kafka sequelizejs microservices enzyme asp.net winforms hibernate wpf mvc maven spring junit spring data jpa spring boot spring mvc spring security jpa spring data mockito jdbc gradle tomcat mssql jsp java ee jsf .net oracle axios react router redux thunk plsql styled components react redux reactnative azure devops gatsby c++ react styled-components azure redux saga next.js mongoose nextjs redux sql server npm expressjs graphql webpack gitlab heroku c akka c# responsive design github redux-saga playframework apache spark primefaces hadoop bigdata angular.js gcp hive vue spark apache kafka sass javaee embedded api aws lambda xamarin elasticsearch room mvvm android native kotlin android dynamodb ajax firebase amazon s3 sqlite serverless amazon ec2 jquery aws mobile phpmyadmin raspberry pi scipy ios scikit learn numpy keras data visualization pytorch tensorflow sklearn pandas matplotlib swift jupyter notebook data analysis xcode deep learning data science machine learning uikit ios app development objective-c objective c computer vision opencv anaconda android studio arduino data analytics nlp dart pycharm flutter cocoapods iot swiftui python3 tableau php composer rxswift excel powerbi phpunit firestore symfony composer functional programming linux kernel r sqlalchemy rabbitmq redis rust rest api gulp kubernetes vuetify azure active directory nest vuex nuxt.js flask less scss figma tailwindcss docker photoshop vuejs adobe illustrator pyspark entity ms sql ansible adobe photoshop dotnet terraform jenkins ci/cd css3 mariadb celery html5 django google analytics laravel matlab websocket google cloud centos docker compose ddd clojure clean architecture design patterns clean code woocommerce wordpress theming architecture solid team management elixir lua prometheus phoenix ruby macos wordpress ruby on rails grafana go grpc devops cloud embedded c haskell javafx opengl seo unix git tcp groovy unity eclipse netbeans google chrome extension vagrant google app engine yii yii2 rxjs google bigquery mercurial neo4j ngrx svn typescript angular angular material ionic cakephp d3.js pug python2 swagger cordova codeigniter vbnet grails drupal delphi visual basic magento rails joomla nuxt angularjs nosql salesforce rspec rubygems activerecord sidekiq shopify bulma ember.js es6 electron automation flexbox vbscript powershell selenium blockchain scrapy backend cucumber solidity frontend fullstack jmeter web development appium t-sql continuous integration postman automation testing containers test automation soap manual testing jboss socket.io mobx extjs database backbone.js svelte algorithm ecmascript 6 jwt security zend framework meteorjs nestjs oauth data structures zend framework2 latex cuda rest ros pyqt regex access vba erlang digital ocean unreal engine batch file solr ux active directory image processing knockout.js sonarqube ui gruntjs filesystems neural network iis video streaming cypress hbase three.js xampp adobe xd fastapi uml winapi refactoring clickhouse postgresql github actions ms access webrtc socketio pwa asynchronous parallel processing koa doctrine orm sketch geolocation linq svg web gdb mongodb system design actionscript g++ graphics play framework wix sbt elm slick handlebars.js typeorm automated tests prestashop react native vb.net swing stylus openshift crystal ssh materialize abap xslt visual c++ bootstrap cobol i18n influxdb animation coffeescript netlify elk windows server teamcity bitbucket leaflet spring cloud j2ee twig ado.net ant arm pygame gwt sql pascal qml f# prolog emacs software development ssl sharepoint blazor vb caching rest assured web design mojolicious frontend development office 365 ggplot2 odoo kanban word ai project management material ui ml fortran apollo bem wcf arangodb php tfs nodejs core data spacy 3d travis local storage dependency injection pattern matching puppet telerik materialui google cloud platform apache camel bitrix uwp html/css android development postgis database management selenium webdriver clang protractor testng software engineering business analysis data structure signalr data structures and algorithms quasar lumen ethereum webkit babel mqtt opencart
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