Pradeep Murugesan
London, United Kingdom

Enthusiastic Developer, Loves a challenging piece of work, a very lively and jovial person. I have been in the web development arena for the past 9 years with experience in both established and start-up environments. I have a good expertise over Java, Angular 1.x and React-Redux. I love to automate things. I have worked on end to end feature requests, developing Architecture from the scratch and have also been involved in the Design discussions. I've constantly been a part of supercool Open Source projects - VS code - Mattermost - Profile: GitHub:

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Top 50
United Kingdom
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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Feb 2019 - Aug 2020 (1 year 6 months)
London, United Kingdom
Fullstack Developer
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Aug 2015 - Aug 2015
API Cloud is defined as the API Hub or API provider for Trimble. Trimble being a division based company face a challenge for division collaboration for which APICloud comes for the rescue. The product as such is inherited from WSO2's APIManger.

Keeping their services as core we built a user friendly angular js application and also a separate server that hosts the proper rest apis for the UI to communicate.

I started the initial framework of the project for server side, which included Java and its framework Jersey, Jackson to bring up the REST APIs. We followed the adapter pattern which is trickier than it sounds as it involves lot of data processing to fit both the ends.

Helped to complete various feature in Angular part as well. Out of own interest set up a continuous delivery pipeline using jenkins, newman (to execute the postman tests).
Dev Environment - Made easy
Jan 2016 - Jan 2016
It is always challenging for any project to make the dev env set up easier, and with dependencies of 3rd party platforms the problem is even harder and APICloud is not an exception. We had the dependency of wso2 and their DB setup on top of which our product lies.

It was always a challenge for a developer who comes in to contribute , being a horizontal division in Trimble, we expected lot of contributors. I was able to package the dev env as a Vagrant script.

The set up was divided into 2 part.

1. The base box with wso2 product
This installs
a. all the base softwares like , Java, maven, mysql, etc
b. wso2 setup

2. The apicloud box which is build on top of the base box.
a. This provides our customization on top of wso2.

Vagrant ( is a tool where you can provide portable and light weight environments. I used the same to provision and install all the softwares that are required.

On the whole the dev set up can be completed in just 30 min.
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Information Technology
Dec 2004 - Dec 2008

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