Pritam Prasad
Bengaluru, India

6+ years of experience in hands-oncoding / designing cloud-native full-stack systems, with area of interest in web security and cryptography. I bring in a strong comprehension on Backend API Development, scalable-systems design and monitoring, domain-thinking, and understanding of proceses in healthcare and fintech domain. A jack of all trades, who codes because it’s fun.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 9 events
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Setu (
Mar 2021 - Mar 2022 (1 year)
Bengaluru, India
‐ End to End Design & development of Fixed Deposit(FD) System [ FD‐Gateway(API Offering),
Google Spot (Playstore offering), Standalone PWA(default UI offering), Web‐SDK, webhook
‐ API Integrations with 4 supply‐side partners(Bank APIs) and multiple demand‐side clients.
‐ Multiple Payment stack API integartions and FD's Payment strategy.
‐ FD Reconciliation process and lamdba based Automated Reporting service which removed daily ~1Hour manual work.
‐ Gitlab & Terraform based CI/CD setup for build and deployments on ECS, reduced redeployment & rollbacks to automated/single click operation.
‐ Hot configurations reload and Vault Integration allowing to update application without restart.
‐ eKYC/cKYC module re‐design(UI & Backend) resulting in 2.5X less load time and ECIES based encryption over HTTPS for PII data.
‐ Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure, Architectural Design and documentation(RFCs, ADRs).
‐ Multitenant DB with exipiration policy for User Data storage.
‐ Platform library optimisations for logging, Auth, Error handling and Metric Collection.
‐ Tech learning sessions, Tech‐Interviews, mentoring juniors.
Flask ReactJS postgresql python3 elasticsearch redis docker compose nginx docker gitlab fastapi
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Jan 2019 - Mar 2021 (2 years 2 months)
Bengaluru, India
Associate Software Developer (SDE2)
‐ Worked on release‐management & development of API tooling for JPMC Central API Management
‐ Development of Maven plugins for OpenAPI/Swagger custom validation and Scoring.
‐ Java Libs to integrate A Spring‐boot app to JPMC IDP through OpenAPI/Swagger Specs.
‐ REST Spring‐boot backend to simulate above maven‐plugins/java‐libs over https
‐ BDD Integration test‐suite(cucumber based) generation from OpenAPI/Swagger
‐ Architectural design documentation, release notes, user guide.
‐ Mentoring other teams on Firm's API design principles, API‐Tooling product demo design.
spring boot cloud foundry oprnapi aws jenkins maven microservices spring security go
Philips Medical Systems
Jun 2015 - Dec 2018 (3 years 6 months)
Bengaluru, India
Software Developer
‐ Feature development & Bug‐fixes in MRI System:
‐ Queue based system to authorize 3rd party remote calls to MRI devices.
‐ Design & Development of Distributed protocol sharing & management platform for MRI devices:
‐ Protocol to Internal Model mapping interface, Storage management of protocols with Postgresql.
‐ REST API to allow CRUD on MRI Exam Protocols, org and role based access control.
‐ Development of secure communication channel between MRI devices and REST API(jsch lib).
spring boot java c# cloud foundry
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Crypto Lending
Jan 2022 - Present
A demo‐ready Money Lending platform where collateral are Crypto tokens and loan outcome management(defaulted/repaid) is governed by EVM Smart Contracts. The project also provides configurations to create and manage your own private EVM blockhain with block‐chain visualizer integration. It connects lenders to borrowers in a P2P Defi manner.(EVM, Solidity, Flask, ReactJS)
Solidity Flask ReactJS ethereum-vm
ECIES with Flask, ReactJS and WASM
- Present
An example on how ephemeral asymmetric key based ECIES encryption/decryption can be done between a flask server and a react app. for
performance reason a Web‐Assembly compiled rust library is used as opposed to a JS lib.(ecc, wasm, js, python, rust)
ECIES Flask web-assembly ReactJS
Distributed E‐Commerce system
- Present
An experiment with synchronous system and event driven system using e‐commerce as an example (Spring‐Boot, ReactJS).
spring boot ReactJS
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
National Institute of Technology Silchar
BTech, CSE
Jun 2011 - May 2015
CF Dev

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