Daniel Gomes
Santos, Brazil

I am creating a open source social network!

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 78 events
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023 (4 months)
Santos, Brazil
Senior Software Engineer
Designed and created a fully functional application using FlutterFlow and Firebase. Decided with the team to create a multiplatform framework to support ApoloLive and other web and native apps using Next.js + React Native + Expo which is in progress right now.

It will feature an automated CI/CD pipeline using GitHub, Git Actions, Expo Enterprise Application Services, AWS Lambda, Amazon Cognito, DynamoDB and much more.

It also features Typescript as the single common language across backend and frontend.

It has a single component library that considers the differences between Web (provided by Next.js + React) and mobile (provided by Expo and React-Native) and renders the components accordingly.
Oct 2020 - Aug 2023 (2 years 10 months)
New York, United States
Software Engineer
Creating awesome solutions for marketers and designers.
Acquired a lot of experience in HTML5 Canvas and AWS.

Ceros was a great experience to me. I loved working for this company. I was part of the team where the magic happens, the team that works on the flagship product: Ceros Studio.

I have implemented several functionality including the support for SVGs (static and animated) on the canvas and activelly participated since the beginning (R&D) of an improved text tool, in which I also contributed with several functionalities.

I did extense use of Javascript, Typescript, SQL, some PHP, all tied together on an amazing AWS infrastructure as code supported by an amazing DevOps team and had some participation on the migration from Backbone.js to React. We also had to create and test run database SQL migrations using Phinx.

Used GitHub a lot, provided code reviews for everyone on the team and got very insightful code reviews back also.

At Ceros, I participated on daily meetings, optional meetings and company events, doing my best to stay connected with my team mates and with the whole company, made of great talents from all around the world.

I also volunteered to be part of the documentation committee, contributing to the company-wide effort to organize and standardise documentation.
AMcom Sistemas de Informação
May 2020 - Aug 2020 (3 months)
Santos, Brazil
Software Engineer
I participated as a software engineer in the project for the development of the new educational management system for the Municipal Education Secretariat of São Paulo.

The system uses a .NET Core DDD architecture for the APIs, consumed by a React web client. It also featured RabbitMQ workers and it is Open Source.

MCTS: .NET Framework 4, Web Applications
Aug 2013
MCPS: Microsoft Certified Professional
Aug 2013

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