Quentin Brosse
Paris, France

DevOps Engineer at Scaleway - Building worldwide API gateway in gRPC, IAM ecosystem, and auto-generated open source tools for thousands of internal and external developers.

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CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

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List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Sep 2018 - Apr 2021 (2 years 7 months)
Paris Area, France
DevOps Engineer
DevOps Engineer at Scaleway, a fast-growing cloud provider company:
- Worldwide API Gateway for all (100+) Scaleway’s gRPC APIs: Envoy, cross-regional routing, gRPC/JSON translation, rate-limiting, authentication, monitoring.
- Account APIs and workers responsible for managing thousands of Scaleway customer accounts and the IAM ecosystem.
- Auto-generated internal/external open-source developer tools (documentation website, SDKs, CLI, gRPC clients) based on a Protobuf mono-repo.
- Scaleway Terraform provider maintainer.
- Products APIs (Protobuf) reviewer for harmonizations, best practices, and UX.
- Leader of the first feature-team organizational model experimentation
cloud devops ansible terraform docker iam envoy
Newtone Technologies
Oct 2016 - Aug 2017 (10 months)
Région de Lyon, France
Data Scientist
Assist Newtone in becoming data-driven by building BI and SI solutions to improve the strategic decision-making process.
- Conception of the business intelligence internal platform (Python / SQL / Angular/AWS)
- Creation of web-based skin analysis tools (Python / Angular)
Apr 2016 - Jun 2017 (1 year 2 months)
Lyon 69003
Co-founder and developer of Consult Panel, a management tool that allows professional consultants and trainers to automate most of their administrative work.


This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
HEC Paris
Digital Transformation Certificate, Entrepreneuriat / études entrepreneuriales
Dec 2016 - Dec 2016
All large organizations deal with a major strategic issue: Adapting and embracing the digital economy. Although startups will always be an innovative force in e-business, the major issue in e-business is the way the remaining 95% of the economy will –or will not– cope with the digital challenge.

Large companies, whatever their sector of activities (BtoC or BtoB, industry or service), have to face new customer behaviors, new ways of relating with customers, multi and mobile channels, the revolution of the media landscape as well as the growing influence of social media, new competition from pure players with challenging business models, the question mark of big data, the issue of integrating digital native managers and employees...

The question for these companies is no longer whether they must go digital, but how to do it.

During this certification, I have worked with PSA, Cap Gemini and Air France in order to help them to solve some of their problematics.
Université de Haute-Alsace
Master Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Innovation Management., Entrepreneuriat / études entrepreneuriales
Dec 2017 - Dec 2018
University de Savoie
Baccalauréat STI 2D
Dec 2009 - Dec 2012
Université de Savoie
DUT, Informatique
Dec 2012 - Dec 2014
EPITECH - European Institute of Technology
Master 2 (M2), Computer Science
Dec 2014 - Dec 2018
Stockholm University
Master's degree, Entrepreneurship and Computer Science
Dec 2016 - Dec 2017
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