Anton Rybochkin
Belgrade, Serbia

Java expert with 6+ years of experience. Have built a bunch of applications, from large Spring-based ETL monoliths to ultra-low-latency garbage-free microservices.

CodersRank Score

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CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 5 events
Veteran Developer
Top 1
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
6 years 6 months
Software Developer
Jul 2016 - Aug 2022 (6 years 1 month)
Some of the projects I was involved in or run on my own.

Axibase Collector
Spring Batch-based ETL application which transforms metrics from different formats and
different sources into ATSD format

Axibase Time-Series Database
Implemented different components for time-series database, such as: token
authentication, impersonation, rule engine, CSV parser with column types detection
based on heuristics, workday calendars, and others. Technologies: Java 8, Spring, HBase

Rule Engine
Perform real-time analysis of incoming data. Run actions (email/webhook notifications,
custom script executions, logging, derived command generation) upon conditions
satisfied. Able to generate screenshots of portals for incoming metric and send them to
Slack/Telegram. Used for infrastructure monitoring, building Telegram and Slack bots for
office lifetime scenarios, and even high-frequency trading. Technologies: MVEL, ANTLR,

Type-4 JDBC driver for Axibase Time-Series Database. Technologies: Java 7+, Apache
Avatica, Apache HTTP Client, Univocity CSV Parser

A set of microservices to read and process ASTS and Spectra FAST feeds. All received
datagrams are persisted to disk, then deduplicated, FAST-decoded, and business entities
get logged and saved to Axibase Time-Series database. Technologies: Java 17, Epsilon GC
(network-reader microservice) and Shenandoah GC, Chronicle Queue, Netty.

Implemented a low-latency FIX engine with pluggable message decoders. Achieved the
95p latency of 200 microseconds on NewOrderSingle command submitted to MOEX ASTS
stock market from DMA-located server. Nanosecond resolution supported via own library
"axibase/HighResolutionClock" on Java8+. Optional message and session state storage on
file system is also supported.

A prototype of a data connectivity platform based on Apache Calcite
Software Developer
Mar 2016 - Sep 2022 (6 years 6 months)
Some of the projects I was involved in or run on my own.

Axibase Collector
Spring Batch-based ETL application which transforms metrics from different formats and
different sources into ATSD format

Axibase Time-Series Database
Implemented different components for time-series database, such as: token
authentication, impersonation, rule engine, CSV parser with column types detection
based on heuristics, workday calendars, and others. Technologies: Java 8, Spring, HBase

Rule Engine
Perform real-time analysis of incoming data. Run actions (email/webhook notifications,
custom script executions, logging, derived command generation) upon conditions
satisfied. Able to generate screenshots of portals for incoming metric and send them to
Slack/Telegram. Used for infrastructure monitoring, building Telegram and Slack bots for
office lifetime scenarios, and even high-frequency trading. Technologies: MVEL, ANTLR,

Type-4 JDBC driver for Axibase Time-Series Database. Technologies: Java 7+, Apache
Avatica, Apache HTTP Client, Univocity CSV Parser

A set of microservices to read and process ASTS and Spectra FAST feeds. All received
datagrams are persisted to disk, then deduplicated, FAST-decoded, and business entities
get logged and saved to Axibase Time-Series database. Technologies: Java 17, Epsilon GC
(network-reader microservice) and Shenandoah GC, Chronicle Queue, Netty.

Implemented a low-latency FIX engine with pluggable message decoders. Achieved the
95p latency of 200 microseconds on NewOrderSingle command submitted to MOEX ASTS
stock market from DMA-located server. Nanosecond resolution supported via own library
"axibase/HighResolutionClock" on Java8+. Optional message and session state storage on
file system is also supported.

A prototype of a data connectivity platform based on Apache Calcite
java spring linux
Sep 2015 - Jun 2016 (9 months)
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Software Developer
Working on core and extension modules of medical information system "Vista-med". Optmiizing slow MySQL queries. Writing user documentation.
python2 MySQL qt
V Kontakte LLC
Oct 2012 - Jan 2014 (1 year 3 months)
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Technical Support
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
ITMO University
Bachelor, Business Informatics
Sep 2011 - Jun 2015
EF SET English Certificate 74/100 (C2 Proficient)
Jun 2018

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