Raphaël Pinson
Lausanne, Switzerland
CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 133 events
Top 5
Top 5
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Camptocamp SA
Mar 2012 - Jun 2020 (8 years 3 months)
Chambéry Area, France then Lausanne Area
Infrastructure Developer, Consultant & Training Leader
Infrastructure developer, consultant & training leader for internal and client infrastructures.

Systems Engineer:
– Operated a fleet of 800+ Puppet-operated servers (including servers for EPFL and Swisstopo);
– Architectured and deployed a secured MCollective cluster using RabbitMQ and SSL;
– Planned and executed migrations between major Puppet versions (0.25 to 2.7, 2.7 to 3.5, 3.8 and 4);
– Wrote and contributed to 100+ Puppet modules (mostly public), including plugins (facts, functions, types & providers, indirectors), with unit and acceptance tests;
– Managed servers hosted on Amazon Web Services (with Cloud Formation and Terraform), CloudStack and OpenStack (with Terraform);
– Packaged software for RedHat and Debian platforms. Operated and improved the package build systems and package repositories;
– Set up and managed a Docker Orchestration platform based on Rancher;
– Wrote Go software for Docker (conplicity, upkick) and Terraform (Rancher provider, terraboard).

Training Leader:
– Initiated strategic partnerships ­with software editors (Puppet Labs, Red Hat, Rancher Labs);
– Taught official Puppet Labs curriculum (Puppet Fundamentals, Advanced Puppet, Extending Puppet with Ruby);
– Wrote and taught Augeas curriculum (Augeas Fundamentals);
– Wrote and taught Docker/Rancher curriculum;
– Taught teams from major universities/labs (CERN, EPFL, ETHZ, Unibe, CNRS), private banks/Fintech (in France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg), governmental IT teams and private companies (Software Development, Luxury, Health...).

– Performed Puppet/Docker/Devops consulting for private banks, governmental IT teams and private companies.
Jul 2008 - Jun 2020 (11 years 11 months)
Development, bugfix and documentation:
– Wrote more than one third of all stock Augeas lenses, contributed/refactored most of the stock lenses;
– Extended the C API, XPath language and augtool;
– Improved autotools configuration;
– Integrated NaturalDocs documentation generation into C code and lenses;
– Talked at various conferences (Belgium (FOSDEM) among them).
France Telecom
Jun 2006 - Feb 2012 (5 years 8 months)
Sophia Antipolis, France
Systems Engineer
Consultant at France Télécom
– Administration of Cfengine, FAI and the software package repository;
– Renewal and industrialization of the software deployment system for Debian/Ubuntu;
– Management of the Gforge (collaborative development web interface) platform;
– Development of QA tools for systems and configurations policy compliance;
– Integration of the continuous integration platform(Hudson) with the Debian/Ubuntu software
deployment system;
– Monitoring of the fleet of servers;
– Writing of technical documentation;
– Shell/Perl/Python hacking.

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