Raúl Marín
Barcelona, Spain

Master’s degree in Computer Science with 8+ years experience as a software developer, most of it developing websites. I have worked mainly with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ASP.NET and during the last year I've been using React and Typescript in some of my projects. Additionally, for the last two years I've worked mentoring dozens of students with great results.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 1 events
Top 50
Top 50
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
isolutions AG Full-time
Oct 2018 - Oct 2021 (3 years)
España, Catalunya, Barcelona, 08027, Barcelona
Software Developer
For the last months, my work has involved developing the frontend part of a Single Page Application, though I have also worked on its backend. The stack of technologies I used is composed of React + Redux in the frontend (with Typescript) and ASP.Net Core Web API for the backend.
ReactJS Redux typescript asp.net core c# visual studio code material ui .net core
Jan 2016 - Sep 2018 (2 years 8 months)
Alicante, Spain
Software Developer and Mentor (JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET)
Master’s degree in Computer Science with 8+ years experience as a software developer, most of it developing websites. I have worked mainly with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ASP.NET and during the last year I've been learning React and Typescript. Additionally, for the last two years I've worked mentoring dozens of students with great results.
C# javascript ReactJS TypeScript .net core asp.net core
Everilion Everis Group
Oct 2012 - Jan 2017 (4 years 3 months)
Alicante, España
Software Developer
I worked developing a .NET library and WCF services (Restful) that provide integration between SQL Server and different interfaces: web applications, android apps and ios apps.

I worked creating several web applications with ASP.NET.

Technologies used: C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Web Services, WCF Services,Visual Studio, jQuery, JavaScript
.net C# asp.net core JavaScript css html

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Universitat d'Alacant
Bachelor's degree, Computer Engineering
Jan 2000 - Jan 2007
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