Nov 2020 - Nov 2020
This attendance management system is simple and user friendly. It is well equipped to handle attendance related task and it has great features which make strenuous tasks hassle-free, like calculating attendance of every student. Blending modern and traditional methods and to encourage customers to go paperless is the highlight of this website. Especially made with an Indian teacher perspective in mind, it is best suited for Indian teachers.
A full stack application Presence is a Node.js web application with RESTful routing project.
Built on a MongoDB/Express/Node stack, utilizing RESTful architecture with the Bootstrap 4 CSS framework, Font Awesome, Google fonts for styling. The app performs CRUD operations for users. These pieces are referenced within the database through various associations. Actionable commands is displayed dynamically on the site (edit/delete) for updating information , depending on a user’s authorization/ownership. MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based NoSQL database is the data store in use. User authorization and authentication in place for various routes, utilizing Passport.js and related submodules. Node.js, Express, MongoDB Atlas, Bootstrap 4, ejs, Passport NPM modules: express, ejs, body-parser, mongoose,mongoose-encryption, express-session, passport, tableexport, File-saver.js, passport-local, passport-local-mongoose, dotenv, Presence is a website where teachers can mark attendance of students easily. In order to mark attendance or to access it website, you must have an account.This project was made using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Bootstrap, Passport.js to handle authentication and table export, File-saver.js to download the data / Attendance –sheet to device.