Sayak Sarkar
Kolkata, India

I'm an enthusiastic, fun loving and hard working person who likes to work in a stimulating environment where my knowledge and skills can be applied & enhanced through my work.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 8 events
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Red Hat
7 years 2 months
Principal Software Engineer
Apr 2021 - Nov 2021 (7 months)
Workstream Lead for PnT Digital Experience Platforms.
javascript Openshift jenkins ReactJS patternfly mongodb GraphQL sql webpack jest npm gulp scss axios json web components websocket kubernetes
Senior Software Engineer [Team Lead]
Jun 2019 - Apr 2021 (1 year 10 months)
Team Lead for the DXP One Platform workstream.
javascript GraphQL jest ReactJS html css bootstrap npm json rest api axios webpack jest
Senior Application Developer [Team Lead]
Oct 2017 - May 2019 (1 year 7 months)
Senior Application Developer and Team Lead, CEE [Customer Experience & Engagement], BPO [Business Process Operation] - Operations Applications Development.
Angular ReactJS GraphQL docker kubernetes jenkins ansible elasticsearch bash linux scripting unit testing apache jira
Application Developer [Team Lead]
Dec 2016 - Sep 2017 (9 months)
1. Guide team members and work with other teams on the development and maintenance CEE Operations Portal and all other services maintained by the CEE Operations team.
2. Continue development and scaling of web interfaces to synchronize with global labs.
3. Develop Synchronization tools and scripts for various technologies being used with global labs; maintain developed tools and scripts.
4. Coordinate application development for multiple projects.
5. Develop a platform to integrate the dashboard with different Red Hat products and tools.
6. Work with the Engineering team on engineering project to include Operational requirements.
7. Conduct testing and install the code into production.
8. Devise possible solutions to anticipate problems; respond to problems and correct the applications as necessary.
9. Evaluate and increase the effectiveness of tools ad applications.
10. Adapt and develop programs to new requirements as necessary.
11. Forecast the future of the dashboard and other tools to perform accurate data analysis and management.
12. Provide assistance to business users on the effective use of applications and information technology.
13. Assist in creating system design and functional specifications for all new development projects.
14. Produce technical documentation for new and existing applications.
15. Produce technical reports to learn new ways to develop programs and maintain skills and knowledge.

see more
AngularJS nodeJS mongodb mongoose postgresql mysql fedora npm expressjs json scss rest api xml scrum gitlab github responsive design apache unit testing
Web Application Developer
Sep 2015 - Nov 2016 (1 year 2 months)
1. Work with internal team members on the GIS dashboard, web interface, and tools improvement.
2. Develop a web interface to synchronize with global labs.
3. Develop Synchronization tools and scripts for various technologies being used with GIS labs; maintain developed tools and scripts.
4. Coordinate application development for multiple projects.
5. Develop a platform to integrate the dashboard with different Red Hat products and tools.
6. Work with the Engineering team on engineering project to include GIS requirements.
7. Conduct testing and install the code into production.
8. Devise possible solutions to anticipate problems; respond to problems and correct the appications as necessary.
9. Evaluate and increase the effectiveness of tools ad applications.
10. Adapt and develop programs to new requirements as necessary.
11. Forecast the future of the dashboard and other tools to perform accurate data analysis and management.
12. Provide assistance to business users on the effective use of applications and information technology.
13. Assist in creating system design and functional specifications for all new development projects.
14. Produce technical documentation for new and existing applications.
15. Produce technical reports to learn new ways to develop programs and maintain skills and knowledge.
AngularJS gitlab nodeJS mongodb postgresql expressjs npm json rest api ajax
Associate Application Developer
Oct 2014 - Aug 2015 (10 months)
1. Work with internal team members on the GIS dashboard, web interface, and tools improvement.
2. Develop a web interface to synchronize with global labs.
3. Develop Synchronization tools and scripts for various technologies being used with GIS labs; maintain developed tools and scripts.
4. Coordinate application development for multiple projects.
5. Develop a platform to integrate the dashboard with different Red Hat products and tools.
6. Work with the Engineering team on engineering project to include GIS requirements.
7. Conduct testing and install the code into production.
8. Devise possible solutions to anticipate problems; respond to problems and correct the appications as necessary.
9. Evaluate and increase the effectiveness of tools ad applications.
10. Adapt and develop programs to new requirements as necessary.
11. Forecast the future of the dashboard and other tools to perform accurate data analysis and management.
12. Provide assistance to business users on the effective use of applications and information technology.
13. Assist in creating system design and functional specifications for all new development projects.
14. Produce technical documentation for new and existing applications.
15. Produce technical reports to learn new ways to develop programs and maintain skills and knowledge.
AngularJS nodeJS ExpressJS nagios OpenDCIM postgresql mongodb bash rhel fedora gimp inkscape mysql perl scripting apache gitlab http photoshop
Localization Intern
Jun 2012 - Nov 2012 (5 months)
Working on various localization projects for the Bengali (bn_IN) Lanuage as listed below:-
1. LibreOffice Localizations
2. GNOME Localizations
bash lokalize git pontoon transifex mercurial localization svn
Mar 2014 - Sep 2014 (6 months)
Pune Area, India
UI Developer
Web Development mostly around JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS for various products and services mostly around client-side user-interface design.
AngularJS JavaScript less mongoose chai npm json
Jul 2013 - Sep 2013 (2 months)
Coding Intern
A Google Summer of Code Coding intern at WordPress working on the development of an Enyo.js based web app for WordPress on the Firefox OS platform.
wordpress javascript enyojs html css

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