Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen
Kristiansand, Norway I have extensive experience in development and have worked with Web Development, DevOps, CI/CD, ETL development, Application development, System development and open-source development. What I like best is full-stack web development. I have mainly worked with JavaScript and Python stacks such as Svelte, SvelteKit, NextJS, PayloadCMS, TypeScript, Node.js, FastAPI, Django, etc. In DevOps I've mainly worked with Python, Bash, GitHub Actions, Groovy and Jenkins

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 18 events
Top 5
Top 1
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
3 years 5 months
Kristiansand, Agder
Aug 2021 - Dec 2024 (3 years 4 months)
As a consultant at Egde Consulting I've worked with lots of technologies, clients and projects.

I've worked with web-development, devops and automation, datawarehouses with Azure Data Factory, Business Intelligence (BI), Azure AD B2C and back-end API development in C#.
By working with such a wide variety of software development areas I've gained a large breadth in my knowledge in a relatively short time.

I've worked with big clients such as The Norwegian Tax Administration, The County Governor Joint Services (STAF), Kristiansand Municipality and GRID-Arendal.
I've worked with multiple projects in STAF and GRID. I have deep knowledge of much of their portfolio. Through working with these clients I've learned a lot about both working alone with clients, and working in internal software developer teams. Most of the projects have been fully remote, which has led to faster communication with both clients and other developers, which in turn has led to faster development.

You can find more info about the projects I've worked with in Egde on my CV, which is and attachment on my linkedin profile.
typescript python svelte PayloadCMS ci/cd jenkins bash javascript c# groovy java html css scss Django shadcn ReactJS next.js vercel azure Azure Data Factory Azure SQL Database Azure Blob Storage Azure Web Apps Azure Static Web Apps
Jun 2021 - Aug 2021 (2 months)
powerbi data visualization javascript html css
Promotek AS
Jan 2021 - Jun 2021 (5 months)
Vennesla, Vest-Agder
Software Developer
During my Internship, I've been working with bugfixing and further development of Promotek's in-house PSA system (Protask). I've been using Vue.js in the frontend, and for the backend we're using Laravel(PHP) together with a MySQL database. I've also been using Linux Ubuntu as my operating system, on my work computer.

Additionally I developed a native android app proMeeting, which runs on tablets outside meetingrooms. The app is made using Android Studio, with Kotlin as the main programming language.

The images of the app are not showing correctly on linkedin, therefore it's also uploaded here:
Android VueJS Laravel MySQL kotlin java javascript html css semantic ui
Øvrebø high school
3 years 4 months
Vennesla, Vest-Agder
Renovation and Maintainance
May 2020 - Jul 2020 (2 months)
Summer job where I did the following tasks:
Prepared PCs for new students, marked network ports and server racks, troubleshooting PC screens, Painting, cleaning and replacing walls and moldings.
Renovation and Maintainance (Summer Vacation Job)
May 2015 - Jul 2018 (3 years 2 months)
Summer job from 2015 to 2018 in the months of May, June and July.
I worked with renovation and maintenance of the school's areas, as well as some renovation at the associated kindergarten.

Worked with, among other things: Painting, mowing the lawn, cleaning, marking the parking space and changing the ceiling/floor/moldings.

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
University of South-Eastern Norway
Bachelor's degree, IT and Information Systems
Aug 2018 - Jun 2021
Java, JavaFX, SQLite, MySQL, JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Machine Learning with Python, Kotlin, Android Studio, VueJS, Laravel, PHP, Linux Ubuntu .

A full study plan can be found here:
ISTQB - Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer
Oct 2023
ISTQB® Foundation Level
Oct 2022

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