Mark Thompson
Cambridge, United Kingdom

A passionate and driven problem solver with a thirst for knowledge, always looking to develop myself in all areas of web, server and software development. Having started in 3D and graphic design, I have found my passion and natural skill lies in programming and logical problem solving, with a keen eye for detail. With over eleven years of commercial experience developing and maintaining web-based systems for corporate, eCommerce and high-demand gaming and content driven websites, game APIs and in-game realtime communication systems. I moved to a server development job in the games industry for Frontier Developments 5 years ago in Cambridge, where I am now designing, developing and supporting the on-going development and improvement of key back-end services and APIs for Online game development and integration with other third party services such as XBox Live and Playstation. Using Amazon Web Services to implement high-demand scalable applications ready for online gaming needs. Specialities include (but are not limited to): PHP (including Symfony, Slim and Code Ignitor frameworks), MySQL, Aurora, Dynamo, Amazon Web Systems, High-Demand Web API development, Data driven Typescript App Development, Onling Authentication Integration, Online Payment Integration, Html, CSS, eCommerce Websites.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 50
United Kingdom
Top 10
United Kingdom
Top 5
United Kingdom
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Build a rocket boy
Jun 2024 - Jan 2025 (7 months)
Senior Full Stack Developer
Working as part of the in house LiveOps team to design, develop and support internal and external tools used by the team to support our products and services.
ReactJS typescript postgresql javascript reactjs react router mantine mui react electron npm yarn restana
Splash Damage
May 2022 - Apr 2024 (1 year 11 months)
Senior Backend Engineer
Part of the in-house backend server team helping to design, size and develop solutions for our backend apis and services for our upcoming games catalogue. Taking the opportunity to learn a new language in GO and try some new things.
go postgresql proto sqlc json rest api agile gitlab jira
Frontier Developments
7 years 3 months
Senior Server Developer
Apr 2021 - Mar 2022 (11 months)
Continuing my role as part of the back-end Web and Server Development team supporting our online services and web APIs for various game development projects, integration with third party systems and features to create rich and engaging experiences for our users.
php symfony mysql typescript mongodb dynamodb aws amazon ec2 amazon s3 jira gitlab agile scrum unit testing database design
Server Developer
Dec 2014 - Apr 2021 (6 years 4 months)
Part of the back-end Web and Server Development team supporting our online services and web API for various game development projects.
php symfony mysql typescript mongodb dynamodb aws amazon ec2 amazon s3 jira slim

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