Marcell Szikora
Tiszanagyfalu, Hungary

Experienced full stack software engineer with a bachelor’s degree and with 10+ years in programming in business environment using PHP, Java, Angular, Vue.js. As a freelancer web developer I implemented projects (for small- and medium-size enterprises) end-to-end, from contracting and requirement analysis, through development and testing, to deployment and maintenance.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Senior Developer
Top 5
Top 1
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Accenture Hungary Full-time
Mar 2023 - Jul 2024 (1 year 4 months)
Full Stack Engineering Specialist
- Designed and implemented applications within an international Scrum team, utilizing intuitive interfaces to enhance user experience and interaction with software systems.
- Used Angular framework for frontend and Java for the backend part of the system as a Full-Stack engineer.
- Led discussions with client's business analysts.
- Implemented and refactored base code to improve code quality, maintainability, and performance.
- Proposals for improvement of the codebase.
- Designed process flows to enhance user experience and maintainability of software systems.
- Developed presentations to showcase implemented features to stakeholders, effectively communicating project progress.
Angular java rxjs
Webness WebAgency
Sep 2013 - Feb 2023 (9 years 5 months)
Freelancer Full-Stack Softwre Engineer
- Engineered browser based applications for different companies with various requirements.
- Designed (documented) and wireframed complex sites and applications before implementation, based on client requirements.
- Implemented various of types of REST APIs for mobile and web apps.
- Dealt with third-party integrations like Google Drive, YouTube, FB, etc..
- Engineered RFID based softwares with bash.
- Developed custom communication solutions between custom devices.
- Negoitated contracts, estimated and set budget for projects in cooperation with business actors like managers and experts.
- Optimized MySQL and PHP processes for better performance.
- Released about 75 websites, and about 35 more complex web applications during this period.
MySQL PHP Frontend Development wordpress linux apache rest api api integrations payment gateways javascript jquery html css sccs bootstrap git vue.js java bash sqlite
InnoFeed Kft
May 2011 - Aug 2013 (2 years 3 months)
Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Junior Full Stack Engineer
- Developed webportals using Java Spring, enhancing backend development skills.
- Built and expanded databases, wrote and optimized queries for efficient data retrieval.
- Created user interfaces based on Photoshop designs, ensuring visually appealing and functional frontends.
Java Spring mysql Frontend Development postgresql html css javascript jquery svn
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
University of Debrecen
Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc), Computer Software Engineering
Jan 2007 - Jan 2012
Ferenc Földes Secondary School
Jan 2003 - Jan 2007
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