Ugbanawaji Ekenekiso
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Top 100
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Apr 2020 - Jan 2022 (1 year 9 months)
Port Harcourt, Rivers
Back End Developer
- conceptualized and designed 100% of the backend
- built and integrate with REST/SOAP an other APIs for payment processor, Google Map Places, Twilio Auth Service and other services.
- led database design and modeling
Mar 2019 - Dec 2019 (9 months)
Lagos, Nigeria
Mobile Web Specialist
- exposed to web technology- HTML, CSS, Javascript, nodejs, expressjs
- exposed to best web development methodology
- exposed to software design pattern and best practices
- introduced to and implemented progressive application (taking web application offline and it still works without breaking)
- exposed to web application caching, indexDB, web storage (sessionStorage and localStorage) technique, use case and project based implementation
- learned and implemented web accessibility
- built and consumed web API
- built and deployed weather application to Google Firebase
- built and deployed community project to heroku and google Firebase
- scored average of 222/300 in HTML5, Javascript, CSS5 and Building Web Site skills accessment test
Valec Electrical Limited
Apr 2018 - Sep 2018 (5 months)
Port Harcourt, Rivers
System Installer
This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Community Comprehensive Secondary School, Rumuokwurusi
W.A.E.C Certificate
Dec 2003 - Dec 2009
Credit in English and Mathematics
Rivers State University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Tech.), Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Dec 2013 - Dec 2018
Relevant Coursework: Operating Systems Architecture, Linux/Unix Programming, Software Design, C++ Programming, Telecommunication Switching and Networking I, II and III.
All Saints' Community Primary School, Rumuokwurusi
First School Leaving Certificate
Dec 1998 - Dec 2003
Credit in English and Mathematics
National Institute of Technology Port Harcourt
Computer Software Engineering
Dec 2012 - Dec 2012
Relevant Coursework: Os Concepts, Java Programming I & II, Web Page Development, Relational Database Design & SQL, J2EE, OOP concept, Information System Security, Software project Management Meni, Human Computer Interface Design, Web Content
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