Tiago Stutz
Co-Founder and Tech Lead at Stutz Soluções em Tecnologia
Amsterdam, Netherlands

System Engineering and UX designer playing around with Docker, Swarm, Go, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, InfluxDB, GraphQL, ReactJS/Native. Husband and father of 4. Fullstack development is on my head, UX is on my hands, Communication and Marketing are on my mouth and Entrepreneurship is in my heart. I've been doing all of it with the same enthusiasm because I love all those disciplines.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Associate Developer
Veteran Developer
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
E-didatico Educational Technologies
Oct 2017 - Jun 2021 (3 years 8 months)
Co-Founder, Tech Lead and Customer Success
Architecture, design, engineer and implementation of an online Assessment with realtime analytics of students behaviors. Production stack includes cluster using Docker Swarm, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Mosquitto MQTT, NodeJS, Python, Golang, ReactJS, Caddy, NGinx with 2K simultaneous users with zero downtime.

Implementation of staging tests using Puppeteer and constant work in the Customer Success team having direct contact with customers, engaging with the platform real users and gathering precious feedback from there.
Docker Go MongoDB NodeJS Python ReactJS redis docker nginx gitlab go influxdb mongodb postgresql mosquitto mqtt
Lexana Inteligência Jurídica
Apr 2017 - Dec 2020 (3 years 8 months)
System Engineer
Lawtech company
javascript go mqtt bleve html css
Banco do Brasil
13 years 10 months
Brasília Area, Brazil
Corporate Venture Advisor
Feb 2016 - Oct 2018 (2 years 8 months)
My job as an advisor to the Corporate Venture division is basically help projects, experiments and initiatives that needs some major help in Software Architecture, Intern Communication plan and Business Model design.

I usually help as a Software Architecture Advisor in projects and experiments that needs some senior design involving knowledge about: API Management, Distributed Systems, Messaging Infrastructure, Realtime computing, Mobile development, Blockchain, Image Processing and Parameterized System Design.

I usually help as a Business Model Advisor in pitch polishing sessions pointing improvements in their pitch such as "show me the money" or "you could change this thing to that so you can focus on your main goal" or "Cut this feature as you won't be able to make it for the MVP", "Where's the real problem here?"and so on. I also work analyzing business goals and threats of a initiative with its team to try to adjust the tactics developed. Advisements like "You need to know that this initiative will face against another profitable product we have and it won't be easy to be acceptable by some parts of the company" or "Do you know that there is initiative working with OpenBanking you could work with?" are not rare.

My job as a Intern Communication plan advisor is to
Corporate Venture Advisor
Feb 2016 - Oct 2018 (2 years 8 months)
My job as an advisor to the Corporate Venture division is basically help projects, experiments and initiatives that needs some major help in Software Architecture, Intern Communication plan and Business Model design.

I usually help as a Software Architecture Advisor in projects and experiments that needs some senior design involving knowledge about: API Management, Distributed Systems, Messaging Infrastructure, Realtime computing, Mobile development, Blockchain, Image Processing and Parameterized System Design.

I usually help as a Business Model Advisor in pitch polishing sessions pointing improvements in their pitch such as "show me the money" or "you could change this thing to that so you can focus on your main goal" or "Cut this feature as you won't be able to make it for the MVP", "Where's the real problem here?"and so on. I also work analyzing business goals and threats of a initiative with its team to try to adjust the tactics developed. Advisements like "You need to know that this initiative will face against another profitable product we have and it won't be easy to be acceptable by some parts of the company" or "Do you know that there is initiative working with OpenBanking you could work with?" are not rare.

My job as a Intern Communication plan advisor is to
Oct 2015 - Oct 2018 (3 years)
Working on projects that isn't necessarily my main activity but I truly believe as a business model or a technical opportunity for the Company. Some of these projects involves Growth Hacking strategy, such as planning and doing a Branding job for our Corporate Venture and its Private Cloud division helping build it's identity, creating new products signed by it and bringing new "customers" in.
Another example of Intrapreneurship is a job of linking people from strategic places inside our Tech division that not necessarily work together, but should. The job is taking some technical challenges that would involve those guys in a long-time wheel and bring them together asap to tackle the problem.
Oct 2015 - Oct 2018 (3 years)
Working on projects that isn't necessarily my main activity but I truly believe as a business model or a technical opportunity for the Company. Some of these projects involves Growth Hacking strategy, such as planning and doing a Branding job for our Corporate Venture and its Private Cloud division helping build it's identity, creating new products signed by it and bringing new "customers" in.
Another example of Intrapreneurship is a job of linking people from strategic places inside our Tech division that not necessarily work together, but should. The job is taking some technical challenges that would involve those guys in a long-time wheel and bring them together asap to tackle the problem.
Culture Activist
Jan 2015 - Jun 2020 (5 years 5 months)
Senior Fullstack Engineer - Side Jobs
Aug 2014 - Oct 2018 (4 years 2 months)
Multiple intern Guilds developer and advisor. Jobs like experimental IT architectures and workplace environment models. Experimental risky projects on demand is what I've been working on the most.

My Toolkit: Docker, NodeJS, MongoDB, Dreamfactory, Ubuntu, Python, HTML/CSS, MySQL, ReactJS, ReactNative, Canva.com, Ghost Blogging platform...
javascript java ee html css mqtt jaeger mongodb mysql postgresql python
Senior Fullstack Engineer
Aug 2014 - Jun 2021 (6 years 10 months)
Multiple intern Guilds developer and advisor. Jobs like experimental IT architectures and workplace environment models. Experimental risky projects on demand is what I've been working on the most.

My Toolkit: Docker, NodeJS, MongoDB, Dreamfactory, Ubuntu, Python, HTML/CSS, MySQL, ReactJS, ReactNative, Canva.com, Ghost Blogging platform...
Docker fullstack MongoDB MySQL NodeJS Python ReactJS React Native
Senior System Engineer
Oct 2012 - Jun 2020 (7 years 8 months)
Arquitetura, engenharia e implementação de sistemas de tempo real para Mercado Financeiro com alto nível de parametrização, performance e escalabilidade em JEE.

Arquitetura, engenharia, implementação e idealização de novos sistemas e modelos de negócios digitais na área de Negócios Digitais do BB.
java ee go javascript html mqtt influxdb kafka jaeger prometheus css mongodb
Tech Lead / Senior Systems Engineer
Oct 2011 - Jun 2021 (9 years 8 months)
Lead 4 to 6 tech teams simultaneously, including Labs projects with new technologies such as Data Marketplace, Open Source Corporate Program and projects in the Corporate field such as the current Open Banking initiative.

Also currently performing at architecture, engineering, design and implementation of new platforms and digital business models using technologies such as NodeJS, Golang, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, Docker, MQTT, Kafka and React.

Solid experience with architecture, engineering and implementation of real-time systems for the Financial Industry with a high level of parameterization, performance and scalability in JEE.
Docker Go NodeJS PostgreSQL ReactJS
Analista de Sistemas
Dec 2008 - Jan 2012 (3 years 1 month)
Desenvolvimento para mercado financeiro em .NET
c# .net wpf sqlserver sql linqtosql
Full Stack Developer
Dec 2008 - Jan 2012 (3 years 1 month)
.NET Platform for financial services
Caixa Executivo
Aug 2007 - Jan 2009 (1 year 5 months)
Caixa Executivo
Aug 2007 - Jan 2009 (1 year 5 months)

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