Maria Vodolazkaya
Moscow, Russia
CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 4%
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Croc Code
May 2021 - Apr 2022 (11 months)
Москва, Россия
Mobile TeamLead
Recruitment and ongoing management (performance, goals, salary, etc.) of core mobile team (maximum of 15 people)
Integrated Agile/SCRUM practices and task tracker (ClickUp, Jira) to be used by project team (including UI/UX designer, analytics, QA engineers, etc.) that enhanced team work and speeded up time-to-market by estimate of 40%
Working out client's scope and specifications for the further development; drawing up the requirements specification using UML diagrams
Tailor team's workload planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation in accordance with the results-based budgeting concepts.

Integrated CI/CD for all ongoing mobile projects (Fastlane, Firebase, GitLab, AppCenter, TestFlight) which speeded up the time-to-market for new features by 36%
Developed project's structure and architecture (MVVM/CleanSwift/VIPER/SOA)
Worked as a developer with projects (mobile apps):
indoor navigation – under NDA
mobile operator – under NDA
social network for investors and founders (not published yet)
app for tracking progress of the govermental elections in real time (published only in election seasons)
SDK for photo evaluation for banking services (liveness check, passport recognition) – under NDA
mobile client for system of electronic document managment system – under NDA
Aug 2018 - Apr 2022 (3 years 8 months)
Москва, Россия
Старший инженер-разработчик
Мобильная разработка для платформы iOS
• Objective-C/C++, Swift 4, Swift 5, C# (Xamarin), CocoaPods,
• взаимодействие с BLE-периферией (CoreBluetooth),
• Appstore Сonnect (публикация приложений, прохождение модерации), TestFlight,
• Firebase, Postgres, CoreData
• AppCenter, Fastlane для CI и тестирования
• адаптация устаревших SDK для работы с SceneDelegate

• оперативное управление группой разработчиков в проектной команде;
• выработка основных проектных решений;
• разработка и отладка программного кода
• поддержка и развитие, внедрение нового функционала в текущие проекты
• разработка библиотек и SDK для интеграции с внешними продуктами
• экспертная оценка проекта и трудозатрат
• разработка концепции и архитектурной базы проекта, участие во внедрении проекта

• базовый прототип интернет-магазина - (swift, firebase, CoreData)
• SDK для распознавания данных с личных документов (удостоверений личности) - (Umbrella framework, оптимизация размера пакета, встраивание зависимостей, работа с видеопотоком AVFoundation, AudioToolbox)
• социальная сеть для обмена видео с функцией видеоконференцсвязи - (firebase, zoom SDK, Twilio, MUX)
Aug 2017 - Aug 2018 (1 year)
Москва, Россия
старший инженер-разработчик
• Supervised iOS developments and deployments.
• Configured CI/CD process for iOS development to save development team's time on routine delivery
• Performed code review for junior and middle developers.
• Worked closely with clients to establish problem specifications and system designs, and adapted it for the development team
• Designed and implemented iOS SDK using computer vision technologies for online bank onboarding process aimed to simplify customer experience
• Supervised junior developers to help them become solid middles and further
• Designed new features for a multi-platform electronic document flow system project, built with Xamarin
• Designed a demo for indoor positioning system to help employees orient in a huge open-space office using BLE beacons for both iOS and Android platforms and implemented it for iOS devices
• Maintained existing applications with hard legacy dependence, including enchancing its performance and design (e.g. refactored whole user authentication layer to make data flow more transparent to user)
• Code refactoring and diagnostics to keep codebase actual and clean
objective-c swift xamarin

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Master, Applied Mathematics
Sep 2012 - Jun 2018
specialization in AI and IODSS
Moscow Power Engineering Institute
PhD, theoretical foundations of computer science
Oct 2018 - Present
hyperparameter otimization in ML

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