Wagner Mário Djive
Maputo, Mozambique

Finalist in Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, aspiring for engineering software, passionate about what he does and with strong knowledge of the life cycle software development (requirements gathering, development, testing, implementation and maintenance) on Web and Mobile platforms, familiar with the of entity management and incorporation of Web-services. I present basic knowledge of ERP ́s Integration (Primavera) to entity management systems. The skills were developed during the training period, coupled with professional experience that provide an excellent basis for working in different situations, more demanding and assertive. Has good written and verbal communication skills both in Portuguese and English, interpersonal skills and ability to communicate easily with people of all levels.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 2%
Top 1
Top 10
Top 5
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Source Code Full-time
Jan 2021 - Aug 2021 (7 months)
Maputo, Mozambique
Java Developer
Source Code is a young and innovative software development company (specializing in application systems, web applications, websites/Portals, web services, and mobile applications such as PENSA and Sauti). Responsibilities:
-modeling & UML
-TDD (& Junit)
-Web services
-Devolpe Java aplications
-Select IDE & code versioning
-Integrate Systems
Java spring hibernate Ussd microservices junit maven jdbc jpa
Transcom SA
3 years 7 months
Maputo, Moçambique
Analyst / Developer III (Senior)
Nov 2020 - Aug 2021 (9 months)
Ensure compliance with the practices of agile methodologies (Scrum, Design
Ensure the delivery of tasks within the stipulated period;
Supervise the creation of new modules.
struts jsf typescript maven git spring spring boot spring mvc sql sql server mysql html scss css Gson Angular java ee java javascript
Analyst / Developer II
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020 (1 year)
Correction and evolutionary improvement in the FenixEdu project;
Resolution of occasional errors;
Assist in the formation of new members;
Perform version control using the GitLab tool;
Perform task management using the Redmine tool;
Perform requirements analysis for new features;
Productive and non-productive Environment Manager;
Review of source code of employees;
Implement new features in the Fenixedu system;
Perform data migration from the old system to the new;
Primavera ERP API integration;
Implementation of the API for consumption in the central government system;
Prepare new releases.
spring mvc struts Angular maven git apache aws twilio Gson Angular sql mysql sql server
Analyst / Developer
Jan 2018 - Nov 2019 (1 year 10 months)
Correction and evolutionary improvement in the FenixEdu project;
Resolution of occasional errors;
Development Environment Assembly;
Assist in the formation of new members;
spring mvc struts java ee jsf
ISUTC - Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações Apprenticeship
Jun 2019 - Dec 2019 (6 months)
Maputo, Moçambique
Programação II Discipline Monitor
Assist students in understanding Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with the JAVA language
Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Pré Registro Vacinação (PENSA *660#)
Aug 2021 - Present
Face a terceira onda da COVID-19, a Source Code em parceria com a MISAU e o INCM, decidiram provêr o serviço de pré-registro através da PENSA (*660#) na opção 11. Pre-registro
Candidatura ISUTC
Dec 2020 - Feb 2021
Automatização do processo de candidatura ao novo ingresso no ISUTC
PENSA *660#
Jan 2021 - Present
A PENSA é um projecto que visa prover informação sobre saúde materna e infantil, bem como informações sobre o covid-19, ela pode ser acedida através de um terminal ussd *660#

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações
Licen, Engenharia Informática e de Telecomunicações
Dec 2015 - Dec 2019
Finalista no Curso de Engenharia Informática e de Telecomunicações pelo ISUTC
Cyber Security Foundation
Jul 2019
Jan 2019
Data Science: Visualização de Dados com Python
Jan 2019

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