Alexi George
Singapore, Singapore

"Failure is not an adversary. Even if I fail a million times, I'll still get up and greet it as an old friend." Final Year Electrical and Electronic Engineering Student in Singapore Polytechnic. Keen interest in a profession that involves Data analytics, Artificial Intelligence and/or Robotics. Keen on learning and doing things to the best of my capabilities!

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 6%
Top 50
Top 10
Top 50
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
XRVision.ai Internship
Aug 2021 - Sep 2021 (1 month)
Singapore, Singapore
AI & Machine Learning Developer Intern
Machine learning computer vision tensorflow
People's Association Youth Movement (PAYM) Seasonal
Jun 2021 - Jul 2021 (1 month)
Singapore, Singapore
ideateCOMM Challenge
Innovation Communication Management
The Univac Group Internship
Mar 2021 - Aug 2021 (5 months)
Singapore, Singapore
Automation Engineer Intern
Worked as an Automation Engineer. Worked on:
- Deploying existing or build new inhouse production machines.
- Maintain and troubleshoot production machines to ensure efficient and fast production.
- Basic data analytics and DOE(Design of Experiments) on existing product components used for assembly and production.
- Modify/Program PLC and HMI code to improve overall working efficiency of production machines.
- Ensure data gathering of manufactured products via PLC to Server communication to allow data storage.
- Program, Troubleshoot and modify Cobots and Universal Robots for production and assembly use.

Founded in 1980, from local beginnings in precision plastics tooling, to being globally recognized now, for innovation in design and manufacturing of precision assemblies and consumables. Leading multinationals from the pharmaceutical, medical, life science, consumer and automotive industries.

Our customers will benefit from a total integrated value chain, from design and engineering, to manufacturing and fufillment, along with our strategic partnerships and alliances.

Headquartered in Singapore, Univac has full-fledged operations in South East Asia and China, with additional product design and marketing centers in North America, Europe and India. Univac is a wholly owned subsidiary of Venture Corporation Ltd.
python rest api iot

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Project DOLOS: NLP Web Summarizer
May 2020 - Present
A personal webpage paraphrasing AI project that I am working on using a NLP seq2seq transformer model. An ongoing project that was made initially due to most paraphrasing services not having the feature the do web scraping AND paraphrasing. Currently optimizing the model to restructure and create smoother sentence construction.

Future features include:
- Upload model to Server
- Queue/Dequeue website links to scrape and summarize
- Faster and more efficient performance.
- Web/Application Front and Backend.
- Cleaning of Punctuations and proper removal of irrelevant input data.
- Synonym database/pairing algorithm.
- Proper file structure.

[Github Repo containing base/initial code in project URL]
UNITY: Terrain Generation 1 Week Challenge
Sep 2019 - Present
A personal 1 Week C# Programming Sprint
Main Goal:
Test my skills in C# Programming in UNITY, improve and work on my programming skills. The main goal for this project was to see if I could code in a fast paced environment and finish tasks under a certain time.

A Terrain Generation Algorithm created using Perlin Noise and Cellular Automata. The goal was to create the algorithm and the visuals in a week but I had outdone myself and finished it in 3 days! So I spend the remaining 4 days improving the Terrain Generation script.

Day 1-3: Using Perlin Noise and Cellular automata to create the environment such as dirt, grass and water. After which, I added nature related items like plants and leaves.

After finished the entire terrain generation algorithm, I proceeded to add new things to the projects!

Day 3-4: Day-Night Cycle, Clouds, Rainfall, Humidity and Temperature.
Day-Night cycle affects the temperature. Temperature affects the Humidity in the air and the Humidity affects the how often in rains!

Day 5-7: Animal Spawning and Despawning. Added a simple animal movement and pathfinding code to tie it all together.

[Final Result and Reference Code shown in Github in 'See Project']
Project SPECTER: Image Detection Algorithm
Jun 2019 - Present
A pure python personal software project that I am building that detects hyperspectral images of mechanical stress on a structure. It detects, measures and records the image's data automatically. This project utilizes the OpenCV Library to achieve the image detection feature and Tkinter library to create the application.

This project is still ongoing and there many new features that I will be adding onto this project in the future.
Future features include:
- Better Image noise cleaning.
- Cloud/Database Storage.
- Server side communication.
- Improved image detection algorithm.
- Better UI for Application.
- Application to be written in Java/C++ instead in the coming future.

[Github Repo to base code given in project URL]
ideateCOMM Challenge
Jun 2021
Shopee Code League 2021
May 2021
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Sep 2020

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