* GCP GKE clusters administration, from provision to network, firewall, RBAC and monitoring
* Infrastructure management and support of platform services and underlying resources (Gitlab, Gitlab runners, Terraform, Nginx ingresses, OAuth proxy, Kubeflow, incident firefighting)
* Observability and incident response of platform services, kubernetes clusters and network using Prometheus, Thanos, Cortex and Grafana
* Infrastructure management on code with Terraform, Ansible and scripts
* Maintenance and support of IPSec VPN tunnels with external partner companies
* Creation of internal tools for DevOps, such as Gitlab Includes, a convention-over-configuration modular CI/CD template system that allows engineeers to add pipelines on their repositories with less than 10 lines of YAML configuration, and allows the platform team to deliver improvements on multiple projects' pipelines
* Creation of a concurrent cli tool written in Golang that scrapes Gitlab repositories and fetches specific Markdown documents to generate a containerized, static company-wide internal documentation website using MkDocs, available both online and offline
* Migration of a directly in-cluster-managed Gitlab instance and runners configurations to a proper environment: git repository, encrypted secrets, kustomize template, integration and deployment pipeline jobs, plus a staging environment with replicated production data for backup validation, upgrade and configuration change tests
* Definition and implementation of SLIs and SLOs for Gitlab and its runners
* Linux VM administration (kernel parameters, troubleshooting, system services, iptables firewall/NAT, Strongswan IPSec, GENEVE overlays)
* Solved a long-standing problem with dropped packets and thus inconsistent monitoring/alerting across all services due to exhausted conntrack tables on VMs - solution implemented by configuring the Calico to apply the doNotTrack flag (which relies on netfilter's NOTRACK rule)