Sergio A. Florez
Cofounder & CTO at DailyBot
Pereira, Colombia

Passionate about developing of conversational interfaces. Currently CTO at DailyBot building an assistant for asynchronous team collaboration. Computer science engineer, MSc in data science and passionate entrepreneur, with talent and more than 8y of experience building digital businesses. In the search of the ideation of disruptive business models as agents of change and success. 💻🎙📚 | Speaker, researcher, athlete, gamer, and geek 100%.

CodersRank Score

What is this?

This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 13 events
Senior Developer
Veteran Developer
Senior Developer
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
6 years 10 months
Colombia Current workspace
Currently Sergio A. Florez supports the DailyBot

Sergio A. Florez's scores will be added to this company.

Cofounder & CTO
Jan 2020 - Present (5 years 2 months)
DailyBot makes it easy for teams to collaborate better and get work done faster inside Slack, Microsoft Teams, and many chat apps. We provide a chat assistant that automates daily workflows and adds unique features like stand-ups, kudos, watercooler, 1:1 coffees, and more for chat-ops.
Co-founder & CTO
May 2018 - Jul 2021 (3 years 2 months)
We're helping remote workers and highly distributed teams.

DailyBot helps you automate follow-up meetings like daily stand-ups, retrospectives, goal check-ins and more.

DailyBot is conversational, multi-language, multi-timezone, and integrates very smoothly into your team workflows, it comes with more Skills as Motivational tracking and more to come.

Available for Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Hangouts Chat.
django rest framework typescript aws aws lambda webpack nodeJS scss VueJS serverless alexa amazon s3 javascript claudiajs MeteorJS nuxt.js docker
Bambú - Meditación y Mindfulness
Apr 2018 - Jan 2020 (1 year 9 months)
Full Stack Developer
Bambú is a meditation and mindfulness mobile app for Spanish speakers. It offers high quality guided meditations prepared by experts and a variety of sounds and music to help you relax.

Bambú has been incubated at Rocka Venture Builder.
django rest framework flutter docker aws figma webflow jenkins
Presenter / Guest Speaker
Jan 2016 - Present (9 years 2 months)
Colombia Current workspace
Currently Sergio A. Florez supports the Presenter / Guest Speaker

Sergio A. Florez's scores will be added to this company.

Guest Speaker
Conferences, seminars and workshops:

PyCon Colombia
+ Deep Learning from academia to practice - Feb 2018. Medellín, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/x1cqrf)

Python Pereira
+ Deep Learning from academia to practice - Feb 2018. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/KqZnN5)
+ Microservices Architecture && APIs with GraphQL - Nov 2017. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/k8czjP)

Pereira Tech Talks
+ Introduction to AI && TensorFlow - Sep 2017. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/tXENnr)

XVI Jornadas de Ingeniería, Sociedad + Educación (U.Caldas)
+ ¿Qué es el Blockchain y cómo transformará radicalmente la economía? - Sep 2017. Manizales, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/XHra98)
+ Creando un Servidor con NodeJS de cero a producción (Workshop) - Sep 2017. Manizales, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/vgfDnJ)

+ Web Virtual Reality (WebVR) with A-Frame - Feb 2018. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/jttMC5)
+ Blockchain && Criptocurrencies - Jul 2017. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/fCAcqN)
+ The internet of things - Feb 2017. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/Dep42V)
+ Meteor Live Chat Workshop - Apr 2016. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/vLSA6u)
+ Introduction to MeteorJs - Feb 2016. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/8GtYef)

+ NoSQL && MongoDB - Jul 2016. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/d74PkM)
+ Introduction to MeteorJs - Feb 2016. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/8GtYef)
+ Introduction to Elm - Jan 2016. Pereira, Colombia. (https://goo.gl/3H4eh8)
elm GraphQL MeteorJS MongoDB NodeJS nosql Python tensorflow

Curso de fundamentos de Ingeniería de Software
May 2017
Curso de GraphQL
Nov 2017
1er. Simposio Departamental de Liderazgo Social
Aug 2017

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