Anatolii Zorin
Frontend Developer (Vue.js | Three.js) at Self Employed
Kyiv, Ukraine

I'm Frontend Developer (Vue.js | Three.js). Since 2016, I have combined the administrative work as CEO with the work of Digital Marketer, Web Designer and Frontend Developer. In 2020, I took up intensive study of Backend (Java, Scala, Kotlin). In 2021, I restored and updated my knowledge of Frontend (Vue, Angular, React). In 2022, I continued my IT education (PHP, Python, Ruby). In 2023, I studied special IT technologies (Three.js, Gatsby, GraphQL). I'm comfortable working in a team or solo.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Hyper Streak
Mid Developer
Mid Developer
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
Self Employed
Jan 2023 - Present (1 year 11 months)
Remote Current workspace
Currently Anatolii Zorin supports the Self Employed

Anatolii Zorin's scores will be added to this company.

Frontend Developer (Vue.js | Three.js)
Creation of a site prototype. Website design development. Building a website (SPA) on Vue.js with using TypeScript. Domain name registration. Connecting a domain name to a site. Connecting Google Analytics 4.0. Registration of the site in Google Search Console and its subsequent indexing. Creation of Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt files. Animation of text, blocks. Creating 3D models and 3D configurators using Three.js.
VueJS typescript three.js html css scss responsive design webpack npm json ajax gulp figma adobe illustrator adobe photoshop xml agile vuex i18n google analytics favicon three.js nodeJS
Yugov & D Ltd.
Dec 2016 - Jan 2023 (6 years 1 month)
Kiev Region, Ukraine
Creation of a company logo. Website layout creation. Work with CMS Joomla. Setting up and launching advertising campaigns in Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. Creation of informative video clips for YouTube. Connecting the site with the Google Merchant Center. Registration in Google Map. Together with the engineers of the manufacturer, the creation of an exclusive coffee roaster. Programming the coffee roaster. Creation of coffee blends. Setting up employees' computers. Setting up a local network.
VueJS vuex webpack html5 css3 scss gulp npm json webpack figma adobe illustrator responsive design ajax git adobe photoshop xml agile
LIS Ltd.
Jan 2001 - Jan 2023 (22 years)
Kiev Region, Ukraine
Creation of a company logo. Website layout creation. Work with CMS Wordpress. Translation of vending machine messages from German into Ukrainian (translation was done using Assembler). Programming vending machines, coin acceptors and banknote acceptors. Setting up and launching advertising campaigns in Google, YouTube. Registration in Google Map. Development of accounting for vending machines. Setting up employees' computers. Setting up a local network.
wordpress joomla google analytics seo adobe photoshop photoshop figma adobe illustrator css3 woocommerce ajax npm html5 responsive design json

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
My Curriculum VITAE
Mar 2022 - Apr 2022
✨ This modern and adaptive Landing Page succinctly and visually presents my professional information. 🌟

💼 Site Structure:
1️⃣ About Me: projects with GitHub links, skills, languages, education and work experience.
2️⃣ Diplomas and Certificates: achievements in backend, frontend, design, databases, project management and English.

📱 The site is fully responsive and works seamlessly on devices of any size.

🛠️ Technologies:
✅ HTML5, CSS3 (Grid, FlexBox) — for design and structure.
✅ JavaScript — for interactivity.
✅ Google Analytics & Search Console — for analysis and optimization.
✅ Open Graph Protocol, Favicon, Sitemap, Robots.txt — for SEO optimization and social media integration.

💻 The site showcases my skills in creating modern, responsive and functional web applications, highlighting attention to detail and quality. 🚀
HTML5 Grid CSS FlexBox CSS CSS3 javascript adobe photoshop responsive design json adobe illustrator
Apr 2022 - Apr 2022
✨ A functional and user-friendly application, implemented with vanilla JavaScript and web development standards, allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations. ➕➖✖️➗

🚀 Running on a local server provides access to its simple and intuitive interface directly in the browser. 🌐

🛠️ The calculator can be used as a standalone application or integrated into existing financial systems. 💼💡

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
HTML5 CSS3 javascript null
Memory game
May 2022 - May 2022
🔥 An exciting web application that tests your attention and memory.

🎮 The user flips cards to find pairs with matching images.

💡 An interactive interface, flexible customization, and cross-platform adaptability make this project perfect for enhancing cognitive skills and entertainment! 🚀

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, FlexBox CSS, JavaScript.
HTML5 FlexBox CSS javascript CSS3

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Kyiv national university of trade and economics (KNUTE)
Specialist, Accounting and Related Services
Sep 1994 - Jan 1999
Developer, Web-Design (UI/UX Design), Front-end
Apr 2017 - Oct 2017
The certificate of the Web-Design courses.
The certificate of the Front-end Developer courses.
Hispania, escuela de español
Avanzado B2, Idioma español
Mar 2015 - Jul 2016
Certificado B2.
ITVDN - IT Video Developers Network
Developer, Java, HTML Coder, JavaScript, Angular, React, Frontend, PHP, Python, Ruby
Dec 2020 - Dec 2023
Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, English language
Nov 2021 - Dec 2023
Online English school.
Front-end Developer
Oct 2017
Jul 2017
Java Essential
Jan 2021

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