Robert Mourey Jr
Co-Founder at RevNet Systems
Pennsylvania, United States

Ranked in the top 1% of coders globally with 20+ yrs. total experience including 7 yrs. blockchain & 6 yrs. health insurance. Engineered Haskell blockchain ecosystem and led compliant, US based DAO from 0 to $500M peer deemed valuation. Seeking opportunities with companies exuding similar passion and work ethic.

CodersRank Score

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This represents your current experience. It calculates by analyzing your connected repositories. By measuring your skills by your code, we are creating the ranking, so you can know how good are you comparing to another developers and what you have to improve to be better

Information on how to increase score and ranking details you can find in this blog post.

CodersRank Rank
Top 1%
Based on:
Stackoverflow 4 events
Top 5
United States
Top 5
United States
Highest experience points: 0 points,

0 activities in the last year

List your work history, including any contracts or internships
RevNet Systems
Dec 2023 - Present (1 year 3 months)
United States Current workspace
Currently Robert Mourey Jr supports the RevNet Systems

Robert Mourey Jr 's scores will be added to this company.

Oct 2022 - Sep 2023 (11 months)
Treasurer Board of Directors
Treasurer & full stack web 2 | 3 engineer advisor to board focused on outreach programs for citizens, business, and workforce development

ChatGPT next.js web3 ai
Quantum One DAO
Oct 2021 - Sep 2024 (2 years 11 months)
Founded US based, compliant DAO at 0, led to 1st investments, equity for service partnerships, international team, $500M peer deemed valuation

Developed Okta oauth2 OIDC CIAM, AWS Cognito Third Party (Auth0 ) IDP React SPA & NextJS Auth0 integration

Authored pitch decks, whitepaper, blog articles on KYC and quantum computing
haskell functional programming nix amazon ec2 amazon s3 react router ReactJS docker kubernetes next.js ci/cd web3 aws lambda aws postgresql

Add some compelling projects here to demonstrate your experience
Haskell Blockchain Ecosystem Prototype
May 2021 - Present
The Blockchain Company.io LLC
Derived from IOG's Ourboros Praos protocol and Cardano blockchain, the "BCC" (an acronym for BlockChain Company ) Chain introduces an optional pre-genesis delegate - the Vested Delagate - that, for example, could act as a bond holder - as known in the traditional finance world - that receives customized rights as a user of the ecosystem , member of the organization or DAO and or an early or angel investor. The vested delegate could receive a different reward % per epoch due to the introduction of the VestMultiple global variable that - along with the introduction of a 2nd metadata pointer - can either drive or mask randomized off-cycle rewards. New reward structures may be devised by members via BCC Chains inherent governance capabilities. The Bcc Chain also acts as the 1st prototype toward developing a greater vision : Quantum One DAO's QuantaVerse. Its also viewed as a demonstration of not only whats possible with Cardano but blockchains in general.
haskell nix functional programming rust grpc docker prometheus ci/cd linux kubernetes terraform grafana bash devops cloud ubuntu c++ aws aws lambda nodeJS ReactJS react router cryptography raspberry pi cmake gcc axios plutus cardano
HealthONE (Quibitous)
May 2021 - Present
Quantum One DAO
Rust version of the BCC Chain that includes encypted peer-to-peer networking and EVM compatibility. Quibitous will be ultimately become a web3 interoperable replacement and de-facto API standardization for HL7 FHIR.
rust haskell grpc c++ docker aws cryptography cmake network programming networking cardano plutus
ChatGPT Health Insurance Marketplace Assistant
Mar 2022 - Present
The Blockchain Company.io LLC
Prototype ChatGPT Healthcare MarketPlace assistant Next.js web app that recommends a health plan type based upon a users healthcare scenario. The git repo and replit are private but you should still be able to use the demo. Please contact me if you want to see the repo and source code.
next.js responsive design sass html css html5 json rest api

This section lets you add any degrees or diplomas you have earned.
Southern New Hampshire University
Bachelor, Computer Science
Aug 2016 - Present
93 credits
National Society Collegiate Scholars 2017
Dropped out in May 2020 to start DAFIDAO project but plan to return to finish degree.
Graph Subgraph Developer Certification
May 2021

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